About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Filip Cenek

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About artist

Filip Cenek’s work can be perceived within the context of the language of film, although it is not about film in a strict formal sense. It is more about the resources he draws upon for his visual articulation, such as narrative or poetic traces in the form of text, and work with the photographic image in mechanical motion. From another perspective, Cenek’s work draws on the concept of cooperation, again reminiscent of film production. Many of his works up till now were created with other artists with whom he is friends, e.g. Tereza Sochorová, Ivan Palacký, Magdalena Hrubá and Jiří Havlíček. Cenek’s “video” installations are reminiscent of two independent, perhaps even opposed, revolving mental circles, whose mutual permeation is only intermittent. What both these circles have in common, one full of images, the other of texts, is memory, its loss and recovery.


Just as the backstage character of collectively created projects is personal and internally concealed, so the logical key to individual texts and images is partially hidden in the artist’s slideshows. Cenek openly plays with various types of aposiopesis and non-pronounceability. He factors in a very human forgetfulness and attempts to use his own or borrowed images in order to classify a kind of ephemeral synecdoche, i.e. composites comprising moving parts and a fragmentary association of the whole that almost regularly accompanies the poetics of the text. This is produced as a subtitled trace, similar to the translations of film dialogue. The translatability of Cenek’s thoughts can be corroborated using the example of his humble fascination with observing childish impulses without any inclination to nostalgia. The movement of childish behaviour and the remembrance of past experiences is almost conspicuously identical with the basis of movement, to which Cenek lends an instrumental expression. Everything is combined from the quantity of fragmentary material and sentences/verses, each of which has its own semantic position.


With the title of one of his carousel stereo projections (On a Clear Day) the commencement of narration develops into a possible indicator of “that” day. However, the essence of narration is subsequently transformed into a number of imaginative paths and a variation of grasped memories. This work was part of the larger project Wonky Cinema, which won Cenek a place among the finalists of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award in 2011. Another feature of the artist’s reconstruction of memory is “blackout”, i.e. a black void or white crossover that refers to “nothing”, to the symbolic expression of the imperfect or distorted memory, to its possible repression. The black (and blue) void plays an important role when reading Cenek’s videos as symbol and not as an imitation of darkness. It is a stage in the direction of a non-linear story, the possibilities of the imagination in the revolving movement of the carousel discs. “The world of children is strikingly honest in the sense that it does not create the appearance of narrative (meaning) at any cost”, as Cenek himself said in an interview with Martin Mazanec in the last issue of Labyrinth Revue (on the theme of “the art of forgetting”), which to a certain extent is the unofficial credo of the artist’s conceptualisation of narrative in general. This is so in the case of the video Authoress (2008), on which he collaborated with Tereza Sochorová, I’m Not Even Sure (2008), created with Jiří Havlíček, or his later, solo projects, in which there is a clear gravitation toward minimisation of the sequence of images and a priority given to the symbolic perceptions in the text.


As I once wrote about Filip Cenek and remain convinced of: the open platform that the artist makes present as cyclical event attempts in vain to record the most elusive element, namely time, which is always changing as part of the whole and which hangs over our heads while we are never capable of grasping it in its entirety. This is how that double synecdoche arises, in which language is text and image, by which we attempt to approach the past, while ensuring that the past in pictures is a fiction of the present in the text we are reading right now.


Author of the annotation
Radim Langer





Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology, Studio of Video, MgA. (1994–2001)

Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Budapest, Studio of Intermedia, scholarship (1999)

Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), Prague, Audiovisual Studies, post-graduate (2004–2008)



Pedagogy and teaching activities


Since 2003 Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology (FFA BUT), Czech Rep., two-semestral courses:

-          Visual Composition in Time;

-          Visual Postproduction;

-          The Basics of Digital Video;

-          Projections 1;

-          Internet Technologies.

Lecturer of courses about the topicality of image, e.g.:

-          Vjing? Supposing. (New New! Festival, 2006);

-          Veejaying – Composition in Live Coverage with Query (FAMU Prague, 2006);

-          Playful – Overhead Projection Workshop (Summer Open Academy Bratislava, 2007);

-          The Basics of Visual Composition in Time (JAMU, FF MU in Brno, 2007–2014).

Diploma thesis supervisor.



Awards, residencies (selection)


1995    Studio prize of Faculty of Fine Arts of Brno University of Technology

2004    Tranzit Award, Developmental grant of Tranzit Foundation

2005    Gloria musaealis, 2nd place

2007    Egon Schiele Art Centrum, Český Krumlov, artist in residence

2008    E3'film, European League of Institutes of the Arts, creative grant

            Prize of Josef Hlavka, Hlavka Foundation Award

2009    NEU/NOW Festival Live Grant, Vilnius, creative grant

2010    MuseumsQuartier, AiR, quartier21, Vienna, artist in residence

2011    Finalist of Jindřich Chalupecký Award

2011    Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, teaching fellow

            Jindrich Chalupecky Award Finalist

2012    Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic, creative grant

2013    University of Applied Sciences, Tartu, teaching fellow





2003    Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Prague, Video program for Special schools for the mentally handicapped children in Ústí nad Labem

2005    Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Prague, Little Spelling-Book (DVD-Video)

2008    Fund of University Development (Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports), Modernization of experimental Video studio FFA BUT

2014    Fund of University Development (Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports), Using A/V technologies in contemporary intermedia art


Solo exhibitions
Pohlednice, Galerie Měsíc ve dne, České Budějovice

Untitled (Fiume), Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka

2013    Roundabout, Futura, Prague, (with T. Sochorová)
            Operatoress, The Good Shepherd Gallery, Brno, (as a guest of T. Sochorová)
The Set, Kostka Gallery, MeetFactory, Fotograf Festival, Prague, (as a guest of T. Sochorová)

2012    Carpets Curtains: junction, Školská 28 Gallery, Prague, (with I. Palacký)
Filip Cenek & Josef Dabernig: poetry in stadiums, Fotograf Gallery, Prague, (with J. Dabernig)
Overlay, hunt kastner artworks, Prague

2011    Carpets Curtains, The Good Shepherd Gallery, Brno, (with I. Palacký)
Untitled (Wonky Cinema), Gallery 207, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague

2010    On a Clear Day, NF Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
            Dissolving, Monitor Gallery, Arts Centre of Palacký University, Olomouc

2009    Getting closer, magnifying, Cabinet Gallery, Brno, (with G. Abrantes, R. Zrubec)

2008    Before the Sea, Podkroví Gallery, Konvikt, Olomouc, (with T. Sochorová)
Blackout, G99 Gallery, The Brno House of Arts, (with J. Havlíček)
            Reading a Woman’s Lips, Youth Gallery, Brno, (as a guest of  M. Mandelíková)
Cluster, Školská 28 Gallery, Prague, (with T. Sochorová)

2007    Animations, News, Youth Gallery, Brno, (with J. Havlíček)

2003    Lotus3 a Solaris, Jelení Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Prague, (with J. Havlíček)

2002    Untitled, 2.1D, Jelení Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Arts, Prague, (with M. Hrubá, J. Havlíček)

2001    Tip et Tap, Eskort Gallery, Brno, (with J. Havlíček)
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Výběr od roku 2000:
Krajina na konci času. Obraz a smysl okolí, Národní galerie Perla, Vrané nad Vltavou
Jiné vize CZ (2007–2015), Galerie AMU, Praha
Anachronikos, Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius

Open Studios, Triangle Arts, Dumbo, New York
PAF New York, Creative Time, New York
ART IS HERE, Pražákův palác, Moravská galerie v Brně
Spajalica, Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti, Rijeka

2014    Vy troubo! / for Jiří Kolář, Castle Gallery, Hradec nad Moravicí
Since modernity till now, Brno City Museum, Brno
7th New Zlín Salon 2014, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
The Most Beautiful Czech Books 2013, Library, Moravian Gallery in Brno
Svět práce (“Live in Your Head”), The Good Shepherd Gallery, Brno
Brněnský Devětsil a umělecká avantgarda 20.–30. let XX. století, Pražák Palace, Moravian Gallery in Brno

2013    Můj Blok. Grafikdesign in und um Brno von 2010–2013, Kunstverein Leipzig, Leipzig
Frejm baj frejm 2. Fest Anča 2013, Museum of Art, Žilina
            Akropolis, Karlin Studios, Prague
„Moře! – Proč tu není moře!“, Vysočina County Gallery in Jihlava
            Lapidarium, Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Lapidarium of the Bethlehem Chapel, Prague
All you do is put it together, Crosstalk, HiggsField Contemporary Art Gallery, Budapest
SKOK! Tales of (y)our City, Werkschauhalle, Spinnerei Leipzig, Leipzig

2012    The Islands of Resistance. Between the First and Second Modernity 1985–2012, Veletržní Palace, National Gallery in Prague
Atelier Бања Лука, tranzitdisplay, Prague
Prison: No Limits for Art, Museum of Applied Arts, Moravian Gallery in Brno
Když zavřu oči, vidím tvary, New Stage of National Theatre in Prague
Fotofestival Uničov, Uničov
Na houby / for John Cage, Bludný kámen, Gottfrei, Opava
Frejm baj frejm. Fest Anča 2012, Nová synagóga, Žilina
When I close my eyes I see shapes, Legion Arts, Iowa
The 25th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2012, Moravian Gallery in Brno
2011    Echo Videotime, Museum of Applied Arts, Moravian Gallery in Brno
6th New Zlín Salon 2011, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
Video Objects (PAF Showcase), Clocktower Gallery – PS1, AIR, New York
Sculpture in the Streets / Brno Art Open 2011. State of Things, The Brno House of Arts
Prison: No Limits for Art, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague
Laboratorium (15th Jihlava IDFF), Vysočina County Gallery in Jihlava
Jindrich Chalupecky Award: 2011 Final, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague

2010    In Flagranti, Old Brewery Gallery, Faculty of Information Technogy BUT, Brno
Re-romantic 2, Šternberk Gallery, Šternberk
Moving Image, Futura, Prague
Hermész füle, Artus Contemporary Arts Studio, Budapest
Collectors. “The Czecho-Slovak pavilion”, Hilger BROT Kunsthalle, Vienna
The 24th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2010, Moravian Gallery in Brno

2009    Blaze, Old Brewery Gallery, Faculty of Information Technogy BUT, Brno
The Wolf and The Lamb, Gallery of Art Critics, Adria Palace, Prague
Hermes’ Ear, House of Lords of Kunstat, The Brno House of Arts
Memma i hellan paalen, Youth Gallery, Brno
The Wolf and The Lamb, Konzum Gallery, Brandýs nad Orlicí
So Much More, MeetFactory, Prague
Object Animation. Third Sense. Animation Principles in Contemporary Art, House of Arts in Zlín, (curator)
Our Business, The Good Shepherd Gallery, Brno
Re-romantic, Cabinet Gallery, Brno
Formats of Transformation 89–09. Identities, The Brno House of Arts

2008    Atelier of Intermedia, Sýpka Gallery, Valašské Meziříčí
Intro 518 Teď 69 Teď* Teď 180 Bonus Q Track!, Karlín Studios, Prague
Photographic Slides in the Era of Homemade Media, Školská 28 Gallery, Prague
Where they are. Brno Gallery, Brno
Self-ignition, Gallery of Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
6th Biennial of Young Artists, ZVON 2008, Stone Bell House, City Gallery Prague

2007    The Collectors: Live Re-Edit, House of Lords of Kunstat, The Brno House of Arts
TransFusion, Kultur Fabrik Kampnagel, Hamburg
Amaro Jilo, The Brno House of Arts
Black Box / White Cube, Aula Gallery, Faculty of Fine Arts BUT, Brno
Hermész füle, Magyar Mûhely Gallery, Budapest
Language without Words, StartArt Gallery, Reykjavik

2006    Frisbee, House of Lords of Kunstat, The Brno House of Arts
Play-time, Entrance Gallery, Karlín Studios, Prague
The Fourth Zlín Youth Salon, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
Hermes’ Ear, Nitra Gallery, Nitra
Things are not what they seem, Polvo, Chicago
Frisbee, Sokolská 26 Gallery, Ostrava
Eastern Alliance 3 / Teledivision Show, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest
Eastern Alliance 3 / Teledivision Show, Centrul pentru Arta Contemporana, Chisinau
Frisbee, Galerie Die Aktualität des schönen, Liberec
Best Short Movies from the Jelení Gallery Archive 2000–2005, Jelení Gallery, Prague

2005    Frisbee, De Veemvloer, Amsterdam
            Klasse – Atelier, Kunstverein, Ludwigshafen
Alén Diviš, Galerie Rudolfinum, Prague
5th Biennial of Young Artists, ZVON 2005, Stone Bell House, City Gallery Prague
Good News. A Spelling-Book, Moravian Gallery in Brno, (curator)

2004    Media Jukebox 2, Galerie u Mloka, Olomouc
FFA BUT 1993–2003, Václav Špála Gallery, Prague
Comeback, Vestibule of City Hospital in Jeseník
It’s a Question of Lust, Display Sub:label Gallery, Prague
Karaoke..., Vysočina County Gallery, Jihlava
Summer Shorts, Parker’s Box, New York
Frisbee, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest
Wstapil we mnie diabel, Czech Centre, Bratislava, (curator)

2003    In Other Circumstances It Could Be Truth, House of Lords of Kunstat, Brno
World as Structure, Structure as Image, Gallery of Klatovy / Klenová
The Third Zlín Youth Salon, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín
Cinemania[c]+, Galerija Ulupuh, Zagreb
The Youngest, Veletržní Palace, National Gallery in Prague
(Printing) Light, DDM Warehouse Gallery, Shanghai
Movies without Cinema. The Animation and Contemporary Art, The Brno House of Arts
Four Roomed Hotel – It’s a Question of Lust, G99 Gallery, The Brno House of Arts

2002    Echo: sound and optical installations, Karnola, House of Arts, Opava
Cinemania[c], Multimedijalni centar – galerija Luka, Pula
Czechs Attack France, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
Diagonal, Eskort Gallery, Brno
Public Bath Base (by Moravian Projectors), Galerie Eskort, Brno

2001    Laboratory of Contemporary Tendencies, Veletržní Palace, National Gallery in Prague

2000    Monter/Sampler: L’échantillonnage généralisé, Centre Pompidou, Paris
Other realisations



2013    Profil: Filip Cenek, Béla Studio, Magyar Intézet Praga (Balassi Intézet), Prague

            Crosstalk Video Art Festival, PAF, Toldi Art Cinema, Budapest

60 secs in a minute. Festival of one-minute video, National Library of Technology, Prague

Filip Cenek: Moving Photos, Fotoauditoorium, University of Applied Sciences, Tartu

Anilogue. International Animation Film Festival, Uránia National Film Palace, Budapest


2012    Jornadas de Cultura Checa, PAF, MIP (Música, Imagen, Pensamiento), Granada

Fest Anča 2012 – International Animation Festival, Museum of Art, Žilina

Anilogue, Uránia Nemzeti Filmszínházban, Budapest

Videotime 28, Governor’s Palace, Moravian Gallery in Brno


2011    Febiofest 2011 – 18th International Film Festival, Bratislava, Prešov

Video Objects, PAF, Union Docs, New York

Animation of Re-edits, PAF, Cantina Royal, New York

Other Visions of Contemporary Czech Animation, PAF, Bohemian National Hall, Czech Center, New York

Sound Clips & Re-edits 2, PAF, Bohemian National Hall, Czech Center, New York


2010    Videosonda, NoD, Roxy, Prague

Juni Alles 2010, Beseda, Hodonín

MOV – Sperm Festival, MeetFactory, Prague

Černý zmizík 2 (Black Whitener 2), 10th Film Festival Litoměřice, Litoměřice

Les rendez-vous contemporains de Saint-Merry, St. Merry Church, Paris

14th International Documentary Film Festival Jihlava, Jihlava


2009    Devil, My Friend (Side D), Divus Unit 30, Kino, London

Colours of Ostrava – Hermes’ Ear, Ostrava

Filip Cenek: Blackout 2, 35th Summer Film School, Uherské Hradiště

ANTI Festival, Kuopio

NEU/NOW Festival Live, Vilnius

Černý zmizík (Black Whitener), Moravian Gallery in Brno


2008    E3’film, Prix Europe 2008, Berlin

Recruitment of Centre of Audiovisual Studies, Cinema Světozor, Prague

VJ Věra Lukášová – Blackout, Multiplace, House of Lords of Kunstat, Brno

SPOR Festival (Test Tone – Sound and Image), Musikhuset Aarhus, Aarhus

Cinepur Choice 2008 – Divided Image, Bio Art in Brno, Cinema Světozor in Prague

Filip Cenek: Blackout – Dark Outside, 34th Summer Film School, Uherské Hradiště

Friendly Film 3 – True Stories, Aye Aye Film Festival, Nancy


2007    Less than little lullaby, Organ Project Space, Chongqing

Pilsen to Pilsen, Moving Station, Pilsen

Other Visions 2007, 6th Festival of Film Animation, Olomouc

Carpets Curtains, TransFusion 2007, Kampnagel Music Hall, Hamburg


2006    Contemporary Czech Art of Moving Images 2, Cinema Světozor, Prague

Escena Contemporánea, 6. Festival Alternativo de las artes escénicas, Auditorio de La Casa Encendida, Madrid

Musikvisualisierung im 20. Jahrhundert, Künstlerhaus, Stuttgart

Barutana 06 – Program eksperimentalnog filma i videa, Barutana, Osijek

Video Dia Loghi, Centre Culturel Français, Turin

NIVAF06, Nagano International Video Art Festival, Nagano


2005    Live Music: Carpets Curtains, 12th IFF, Febiofest, Prague

Cinematheque Golden Gate, 10th Split Film Festival, Split


2004    The Art of Music Video: Experimental Film, 30th Summer Film School, Uherské Hradiště

Re-edit / Link / Re-animation, 11th IFF, Febiofest, Prague

An open book is also night, Bio Alfa, Film Seminary Sokolov

Loops, Brunswiker pavillon, Kiel


2003    IN OUT. International Festival of the Digital Image, Karolinum, Prague

            Češki eksperimentalni film in video 90. let, Multimedijski center Kibla, Maribor

            MAF (Media Art Farm), Tbilisi History Museum – Karvasla, Tbilisi


2002    EMAF, Experimental Film and Videoart Festival, Osnabruck

Directors Lounge, Club el Cultrún, Berlin


2001    (Un)Formal Film Festival, Bio Ponrepo, National Film Archives, Prague

Ready to... The Living Archive Symposium, Institut Français, Prague


2000    Limmagine leggera, International Videoart, Film and Media Festival, Palermo

Enter Multimediale, Institut Français, Prague




A/V PERFORMANCES (selection)


2012    Carpets Curtains, Is this Cinema? #7, Bio Oko, Prague, (with I. Palacký)

Carpets Curtains, Babel Prague Festival, Archa Theatre, Prague, (with I. Palacký, P. Graham)


2011    Table & VJ Věra Lukášová, Clocktower Gallery – PS1, AIR, New York


2010    Table & VJ Věra Lukášová, Czech Centre in France, Paris

Table & VJ Věra Lukášová, Stanica, Žilina

Table & VJ Věra Lukášová, Kino Muza, Animator Festiwal, Poznań

3rd Relative (Cross)Hearings Festival, Artus Contemporary Arts Studio, Budapest, (with I. Palacký)


2009    Fiordmoss & VJ Věra Lukášová, PurView, Kino Boskovice, Boskovice


2008    H2Oise, Institute of Intermedia, Prague, (with I. Palacký)

H2Oise, Czech Centre in Romania, Bucharest, (with I. Palacký)

If Bwana, The Glass Meadow, Brno, (with Al Margolis, J. Cseres)

Musica Genera.International Festival of Improvised and Experimental Music, Teatr Kana, Szczecin, (with I. Palacký)

Triumph of Death (soundtrack): Real Life Scenes, 6th Biennial of Young Artists, Stone Bell House, City Gallery Prague, (with J. Havlíček, J. Švarcová)

Voluntary Kamikaze (11/9), Školská 28 Gallery, Prague, (with G. Bagdasarov, T. Sochorová)

New New! Festival, Fleda, Brno, (with I. Palacký)

Dvojtečka, Cinepur Choice Party, Bio Art, Brno, (with A. Koutný)

Expandia. Expanded Media Festival, NoD, Roxy, Prague, (with I. Palacký)

DJ Krautgartner & VJ Phil Mnoir, Archa Theatre, Prague, (with P. Klusák)


2007    Neue Musik, St. Ruprecht, Vienna, (with I. Palacký, Billy Roisz, dieb13)

Ultrahang Fesztivál, Merlin, Budapest, (with I. Palacký)

Feed the artists, that feed the Mind, Divani, Athens, (with I. Palacký, J. Novotny)

Impro #2/3, NoD, Roxy, Prague, (with I. Palacký, R. Piotrowicz, A. Zaradny)

Uchoko 6, The Glass Meadow, Brno, (with I. Palacký)

Carpets Curtains, Plan B, Warsaw, (with I. Palacký)

Carpets Curtains, Laznia, Centrum Sztuki, Gdańsk, (with I. Palacký)

Sewage Echoes, Vertex, Hradec Králové, (with J. Havlíček, J. Švarcová)

Catophone, Next Life Visual, A4, Bratislava, (with M. Kindernay, P. Kocourek)

Dvojtečka, Next Life Visual, A4, Bratislava, (with A. Koutný)

Fiume TV inszeniert Triumph des Todes, Kampnagel Music Hall, Hamburg, (with J. Havlíček, J. Švarcová, P. Cabalka)

Live Animation, 6th Festival of Film Animation, Olomouc, (with I. Palacký)


2006    16th International Videofestival, Bochum, (with I. Palacký)

FreshFilmFest, Thermal, Karlovy Vary, (with I. Palacký, Billy Roisz, dieb13)

Ultimate Supreme Lemurie Late Show, NoD, Roxy, Prague, (with I. Palacký)


2005    VJ Věra Lukášová: This tomorrow is not of the day that was yesterday, Kunstverein, Ludwigshafen, (with J. Havlíček)

Música a Metrónom, Metrónom, Fundació Rafael Tous d'Art Contemporani, Barcelona, (with I. Palacký)

XII. New Music Marathon, Archa Theatre, Prague, (with I. Palacký)


2004    Audio Art Festiwal, Bunkier Sztuki, Krakow, (with I. Palacký)

Koberce, záclony; Cremaster; Aki Onda, A4, Bratislava, (with I. Palacký)

Koberce, záclony; Cremaster; Aki Onda, NoD, Roxy, Prague, (with I. Palacký)

Koberce, záclony; Cremaster, Theatre 29, Pardubice, (with I. Palacký)

XVII. Exposition of New Music, House of Lords of Kunstat, Brno, (with I. Palacký)

Two Days of Contemporary Music, House of Arts, Opava, (with I. Palacký)

Mínim, festival d’improvisació, Centre cívic Can Felipa, Barcelona, (with I. Palacký)

Periphery, hommage á Alexander Hammid, NoD, Roxy, Prague


2003    Zorilor, Home Gallery, Prague, (with F. Nerad, J. Havlíček)

DrumTrek: enface de nuit, The Wardrobe, Leeds, (with P. Fajt)

Natřikrát, Barka Theatre, Brno, (with I. Palacký)

Pilgrimages, The Brno House of Arts, (with I. Palacký)



Visual part of Midi Lidi project (2006–2010, cca. 60 performances).



Blažíček, Martin. Half-spoken Understanding. The method of reading Filip Cenek’s work. In: A2, 29. 10. 2009, p. 11. ISSN 1803-6635. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/reading-method#english.


Mazanec, Martin. Galerie Labyrint 63: Filip Cenek. In: Labyrint revue : The Journal for Art. 31–32 (2012), theme: The art of forgetting, Labyrint – Via Vestra, Prague, 2013, pp. 86–95. ISSN 1210-6887. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/revue-labyrint-art-of-forgetting-interview.


Pospiszyl, Tomáš. Minulost v přímém přenosu. Nová média a národní i osobní historie. In: Bydžovská, Lenka – Prahl, Roman (edd.). V mužském mozku. Sborník k 70. narozeninám Petra Wittlicha. Scriptorium, Prague, 2002, pp. 163–172. ISBN 80-86197-35-2. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/po-atentatu-3-fragmenty#english.


Pokorný, Marek. Movies without Cinema. The Animation and Contemporary Art. Catalogue, The Brno House of Arts/Kant, Brno–Prague, 2003. ISBN 80-70009-136-3.


Císař, Karel. The art of losing. In: Labyrint revue : The Journal for Art. 31–32 (2012), theme: The Art of Forgetting, Labyrint – Via Vestra, Prague, 2013, p. 88. ISSN 1210-6887. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/art-of-losing.


Císař, Karel. Věci, o kterých s nikým nemluvím. Současné české umění. Agite/Fra, Prague, 2010, pp. 72–80, 130–153. ISBN 978-80-86603-97-1.


Shah, Zarmeené. Filip Cenek: Overlay. In: ArtReview, issue 65, January & February 2013, ArtReview Ltd, Londýn, 2013, pp. 122–123. ISSN 1745-9303.


Císař, Karel (ed.). The State of Things. Sculpture in the Streets. Brno Art Open 2011. The Brno House of Arts, Brno, 2012, pp. 10, 14–17. ISBN 978-80-7009-160-9. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/sochy-v-ulicich-kino-rozhovor#english.


Uhlířová, Markéta. Restriction – Power of Vision (Gordon, Jacobs and Cenek). Film and the Media Arts, Media Studies, New York, 2000. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/restriction-jacobs-gordon-cenek.


Langer, Radim. Double synecdoche. Image of text and image of image. Galerie207.blogspot, 11/2011. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/bez-nazvu-g207-vsup.


Mazanec, Martin. Film Animation. In: Iluminace : The Journal of Film Theory, History, and Aesthetics, 4/2009 (76), pp. 71–81, National Film Archive, Prague, 2009. ISSN 0862-397X.


Mazanec, Martin. Double perspective. In: Lindaurová, Lenka – Drdová, Lucie (edd.). The Finalists of Jindrich Chalupecky Award 2011. Catalogue, Prague, 2011. ISBN 978-80-260-0946-7. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/mm-text-katalog.


Stulírová, Markéta. We can mainly see what we know or anticipate. An interview with Filip Cenek. In: Deník Rovnost, 25. 11. 2011. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/rozhovor-denik-rovnost#english.


Mazanec, Martin (ed.). Fotograf #19 FILM. Fotograf Magazine, Jun 2012. ISSN 1213-9602.


Langer, Radim. Filip Cenek a Tereza Sochorová. Dva vypravěči a sága rodu fotografických obrazů. In: Fotograf Magazine, Jun 2012, pp. 20–25. ISSN 1213-9602. On-line: http://radimlanger.blogspot.cz/2012/05/filip-cenek-tereza-sochorova-dva.html.


Kupková, Marika (ed.). Marek. A Collection of Contemporary Czech and Slovak Art. Catalogue, Zdenek and Ivo Marek, Brno, 2007. ISBN 978-80-254-0152-1.


Mazanec, Martin (ed.). Collectors. “The Czecho-Slovak pavilion”. Catalogue, Galerie Ernst Hilger, EIKON/ÖIP, Vienna, 2010. ISBN 978-3-902250-54-4.


Sei, Keiko. Lotus3 a Solaris. In: The Third Zlín Youth Salon. Catalogue, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, 2003. ISBN 80-85052-50-4. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/lotus3-a-solaris#english.


Ingerle, Petr. Good News. A Spelling-Book. Catalogue, interview & DVD-Video disc, Moravian Gallery in Brno, 2005. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/slabikar-rozhovor.


Stará, Markéta. Interview with the finalists of JCH Award 2011. In: Flash Art CZ/SK, Dec 2011 – Mar 2012, pp. 40–42. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/cjch-flashart.


Cenek, Filip – Grúň, Daniel – Klímová, Barbora. Mutually. Communities of the 1970s and 1980s. Catalogue, The Brno House of Arts & tranzitdisplay, Prague, 2013. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/Navzajem_CAT_SK-CZ-EN.pdf.


Havlík, Vladimír – Cenek, Filip – Klímová, Barbora (edd.). Vladimír Havlík: Yesterday. Katalog, Galerie Parallel, Praha, 2009. ISBN 978-80-904385-0-7.


Pokorný, Marek. About F. C. In: Kalinová, Jana (ed.). Karaoke je slovní fotbal na všechny slabiky. Catalogue, Vysočina County Gallery in Jihlava, Eskort Gallery, Brno, 2004. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/o-fc-marek-pokorny#english.


Vančát, Jaroslav – Svoboda, Aleš. World as Structure, Structure as Image. Catalogue, Gallery of Klatovy/Klenová, 2003. ISBN 80-85628-81-3.


Zálešák, Jan. From Global Questions to Local Answers: The Archival Turn in Czech Art. In: Morganová, Pavlína (ed.). The Beginning of the Century. Arboe vitae, Prague, 2012, pp. 68–79. ISBN 978-80-7467-003-9.


Mílek, Václav. The Object of Animation. Third Sense. Interview. In: Prostor Zlín, 4/2009, pp. 6–9. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/object-animation-interview.


Kupková, Marika. Divák vs. návštěvník: proměny diváckých režimů. In: Cinepur 73/2011, pp. 75–79. ISSN 1213-516X.


Kowolowski, František (ed.). Formats of Transformation 89–09. Seven views of new Czech and Slovak identity. Catalogue, The Brno House of Arts, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7009-157-6.


Mazanec, Martin (ed.). The Object of Animation. Third Sense. Catalogue, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, 2009. ISBN 978-80-85052-82-4.


Mazanec, Martin. Koberce, záclony & čisté prádlo. In: Cinepur 76/2011, p. 22. ISSN 1313-516X.


Míčová, Pavlína. Přibližuji Double Brno. In: Flash Art CZ/SK, 11–12/2009, p. 57.


Pospiszyl, Tomáš. Brněnský obraz v pohybu. In: Lidové noviny, 3. 12. 2010, p. 8.


Mazanec, Martin. Portfolio: Filip Cenek. In: Art+Antiques, 10/2011, pp. 22–23. ISSN 1213-8398.


Prior, Dorothy M. (ed.). NEU/NOW Festival Live – Vilnius ‘09. Catalogue, European League of Institutes of the Arts, Vilnius, 2009.


Daněk, Ladislav. Filip Cenek, Jiří Havlíček. In: The Fourth Zlín Youth Salon, Catalogue, Regional Gallery of Fine Arts in Zlín, 2006. ISBN 80-85052-63-6.


Ptáček, Jiří. A frequent breeding ground for grass snakes is a pile of manure or compost. In: Karaoke je slovní fotbal na všechny slabiky. Catalogue, Vysočina County Gallery in Jihlava, Eskort Gallery, Brno, 2004.


Juhász, József (ed.). Hermes’ Ear. Catalogue, Kassák Centre for Intermedia Creativity, Nové Zámky, 2006. ISBN 80-968562-2-7.


Cseres, Jozef (ed.). Hermes’ Ear. The Rosenberg Museum. Catalogue, The Brno House of Arts, 2009. ISBN 80-7009-155-X.


Beauvais, de Yann – Bouhours, Jean-Michel. Monter/Sampler: L'échantillonnage généralisé. Coéd. Editions du Centre Pompidou/Scratch, 2000. ISBN 978-2-84426-071-0.


Klečková, Tereza. Současné prezentační strategie videoartu v českém kontextu. Diploma thesis, Masaryk University in Brno, 2010.


Cseres, Jozef. Thoughts on carpets and curtains. In: Unijazz, UNI 8/2006. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/koberce-zaclony-cseres#english.


Blažíček, Martin. Nová dobrodružství v digitální kvalitě. In: Cinepur 60/2008.


Míčová, Pavlína. Stavy a souvislosti českého umění videa. In: Cinepur 44/2006.


Benčić, Branka. Cinemania[c]. Multimedijalni centar – galerija Luka, Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika Istre, Pula, 2002.


Uhlířová, Markéta. Video, umění, kultura a česká situace. Diploma thesis, Institute of Art History, Charles University in Prague, 2001.


Fujak, Július (ed.). Musical Correla(c)tivity. Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa, Nitra, 2008. ISBN 978-80-8094-365-3.


Horák, Ondřej – Chrobák, Ondřej – Reková, Martina (edd.). Prison: No Limits for Art. DOX and Moravian Gallery in Brno, 2011. ISBN 978-80-87446-11-9.


Szonyiová, Lenka. Superhighway Communication. Semestral thesis, Institute of Film and Audiovisual Culture, Masaryk University in Brno, 2004.


Urbanec, Dušan. Paralely ve vnímání videa a zvuku. Propojení obrazu a zvuku v digitálním audiovizuálním prostředí. Diploma thesis, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology, 2010.


Kuříková, Michaela. Vjing autoři na české scéně. Diploma thesis, Faculty of Fine Arts, Brno University of Technology, 2010.


Švarcová, Barbora. Movements of reading. The use of text in moving images. Bachelor's thesis, Audiovisual studies, Film and Television Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, 2011.


Klusák, Pavel. Viditelná hudba. In: Mladá Fronta Dnes, 10. 2. 2006.


Ricci, Massimo. Carpets Curtains. In: Vital Weekly 514, 27. 2. 2006.


Williams, Christopher. Review: mínim festival. In: The Improviser Journal, Birmingham, 2004.


Kouba, Karel. Ticho plné chyb. In: A2, 1. 3. 2006, 9/2006.


Belhomme, Guillaume. Carpets Curtains. In: Le son du grisli, 2010.


English, Lawrence. Carpets Curtains. In: Time Off, Queensland, Australia, 16. 6. 2006.


Klusák, Pavel. 70 alb roku 2006. On-line: http://klusak.blog.respekt.cz.


Krekovič, Slávo. Carpets Curtains. In: 3/4 Revue 20/2007.


Fabuš, Palo. Filip Cenek a Jiří Havlíček: Blackout. In: Ex, Reflex 5/2008.


Auer, Barbara (ed.). Klasse – Atelier. Catalogue, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen am Rhein e.V., Verlag Das Wunderhorn, 2005. ISBN 3-88423-250-9.


Ferenc, Petr. Koberce, záclony: Místo tajemství je tu jen zlatá rybka. In: His Voice 3/2006. ISSN 1213-2438.


Seiffarth, Carsten – Stabenow, Carsten – Föllmer, Golo (edd.). sound exchange. Experimentelle Musikkulturen in Mittelosteuropa. DOCK e.V./Goethe-Institut, PFAU Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2012. ISBN 978-3-89727-487-7.


Dolanová, Lenka. 1989 a žádný konec na obzoru. In: Kulturní čtrnáctideník A2, 2/2010.


Polcarová, Simona. V atriu Pražákova paláce je k vidění slabikář z obrázků. In: Deník Rovnost, 29. 1. 2005.


DVD Reviews. In: Neural Magazine (Italy) 8/2006.


15 let FaVU VUT v Brně. VUTIUM, Brno, 2008. ISBN 978-80-214-3633-6.


The 24th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2010. Catalogue, Moravian Gallery in Brno, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7027-184-1.


The 25th International Biennial of Graphic Design Brno 2012. Catalogue, Moravian Gallery in Brno, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7027-252-7.


DOC.DREAM. 14th Jihlava IDFF. Catalogue, Jihlava, 2010. ISBN 978-80-8715-009-2.


IN OUT. International Festival of the Digital Image. Catalogue, PPF, Prague, 2003.


The Youngest. Catalogue, National Gallery in Prague, 2003. ISBN 80-7035-199-5.


L‘immagine leggera. Catalogue, IVFMF Palermo, 2000.


A questionnaire for new media curators. Interview, 15. 3. 2010. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/questionnaire-new-media-curator.


Boy and a distance. Interview, 10. 2. 2008. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/interview-vjing-vera-lukasova.


Some things about VJing. Interview by Michaela Kuříková. Interview, 12/2009. On-line: http://intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/rozhovor-vjing-vj-vera-lukasova.


Interview by Marika Kupková for Rewind. Interview, 11/2011. On-line: intermedia.ffa.vutbr.cz/kupkova-cenek-rewind, http://www.rewind.cz/?p=865.



Compilation appearances (selection)


Blackout (DVD-Video, Fiume, Czech Rep., 2008); Cinepur Choice – Divided Image (DVD-Video, Cinepur, Czech Rep., 2009).


Balika (DVD-Video, ProContact/Fiume, Czech Rep., 2007.


Carpets Curtains (DVD-Video, Errant Bodies, USA/Denmark, 2006); Untitled. Self-reflecting Image (DVD-Video, Fiume, Czech Rep., 2007).


Little Spelling-Book (DVD-Video, Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Rep., 2005).


Frisbee. Contemporary Czech Videoart and New Media (DVD-Video, The Brno House of Arts, Czech Rep., 2004, 2005).


Lotus3 & Solaris (DVD-Video, Fiume, Czech Rep., 2003).


It’s a Question of Lust (DVD-Video, The Brno House of Arts, Czech Rep., 2003).


An Anthology: Video and Experimental Films (VHS, NG Prague, NCSU Prague and Divus, Czech Rep., 2001).


Cinemania[c] (CD-ROM, Centrum Luka, Pula, Croatia, 2002).



Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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