About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Jan Šerých

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CSU Library
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About artist

Just a few years ago Jan Šerých’s paintings were mainly about the illusion of the canvas, commenting on the hardware of contemporary mass culture. By hardware the artist means various buttons, by which the cultural supply is governed. Currently Šerých is interested more in the programme itself, i.e. the software of contemporary culture. Programmes are created with the help of a language, commands, passwords. Šerých indicates that all the individual variations of the current cultural supply (offering) develop from the same basis or foundation. It is only that they are manipulated in various combinatory ways. A basic example is perhaps a „classic“: BLACK SABBATH.

Through transposition or removal of certain unnecessary notes you get ABBA. And the notes can obviously be combined in a different way. Passwords work as launch mechanisms for associations. In the current cultural atmosphere we expect that behind most notes played there are references to some cultural layer (business/commerce, fashion, etc.). Notes function like logos, which are the tips of the iceberg. Behind the logo the context that makes either conspirators or rebels surface. Šerých perceives contemporary reality as a landscape of notes/signs and references. Sometimes he replaces full passages with slogans/passwords or abbreviations. The shortened version of the password/slogan sounds even more conspiratorial and informed. Take for example just the letters BS (BLACK SABBATH). Šerých stylises the letters so that they can also be read as 85. This ambiguity increases the taste for success in the cases of informed persons, those who are able to „read properly.“ Sometimes even an informed person fails. The artist sets up another note/sign variation, i.e. BL or BLA. Such passwords differ in no way from common methods of communication in contemporary advanced culture and despite this we are not successful in decoding them. In this way the artist comments on contemporary cultural coding and exposes it as being, to a large degree, empty. At any time there can be a breakdown or mix-up of codes, i.e. due to computer viruses. The fact that the artist primarily examines the current means of coding our cultural supply does, of course, have an influence on the „form“ of his creative expression. We already mentioned his deviation from illusionism. Letters are simply the canvas, stickers. Their framework is indifferent space. If Šerých were to explore a more complicated dimension than the canvas, then it would be that of screens. The sources of the artist’s concepts are two-fold: markers and computers. Both represent basic contemporary media. Sketch concepts are carried out by means of a broad trace of the marker, through geometrically-organised lines.


The broad „highlighter“ is not very opaque and thus when lines cross, a new colour and spatial effect occurs. Drawings/sketches are rather schemes, for here the supporting element is lines and not the surface/canvas. The artist’s drawings are evidently not aesthetic. The artist makes sketches for his images in a computer graphics medium. This does not concern complicated finesses in the sense of advanced illusionary graphics for computer games and other visualisations, but rather the basic possibilities offered by the programme and the nature of the machine. The artist uses a stencil to transfer his computer-created and computer-influenced compositions onto the canvas. The stencil ensures the „objectiveness“ of the transfer; a hand-made effort is a „subjective“ deviation. A subjective input implies some sort of friendship between man and the machine, an entry into communication with artificial intelligence. The computer is a partner in the dialogue. Šerých thus is inspired by the contemporary form of communication, in which the means has become the end. He moves about in a territory of abstract marking, using newer and newer codes. The endless combination and generation of passwords from a common base indicates the superficiality of the coding and marking space. However, this is one of the most attractive games of the contemporary age: so why not play along too.

Author of the annotation
Václav Hájek


Studium a stáže:

ISCP, New York, USA


Akademie výtvarných umění v Praze


2003, 2005 - finalista Ceny Jindřicha Chalupeckého


Member of art groups included in ARTLIST.


Solo exhibitions
Cokoli II (Whatever II), Luxfer Gallery, Česká skalice

Maketa (Mock-up), Cube x Cube Gallery, Liberec
Limbo, hunt kastner, Prague
Qwerty, Sokolská 26 Gallery, Ostrava

Pustina, Berlínskej model, Praha
Čtvrt na jedenáct, Galerie Set, Liberec
Wysiwyg, Plato, Ostrava
Theory of Relativity I, Soda, Bratislava, SK

Jan Šerých, videoroom, Krajská galerie výtvarného umění ve Zlíně
Tma, Bistro 8, Praha
Cokoli, Galerie Kabinet T., Zlín
!sey ,lleH, Galerie Jelení, Praha

Tisíciúhelník (s Alenou Kotzmannovou), Fait Gallery, Brno

Lies and Layers (s Esther Stocker), hunt kastner, Praha
Dnes, Galerie Etc., Praha

Nejlepší ze všech špatných řešení, Galerie Blansko
Bip Bip / Beep Beep, Labor, Budapest, HU
Paramnézie / Paramnesia, Galerie Caesar, Olomouc
Ano / Yes, Staroměstská radnice, Galerie hlavního města Prahy / Old Town Hall, City Gallery Prague

Vasil Artamonov, Jan Šerých, NoD, Praha / Prague
Poslední snímek / The Last Frame, Ateliér Josefa Sudka (The Studio of Josef Sudek), Praha / Prague
The Architecture of a Chance (Architektura náhody), ISCP, New York, USA

Takemehome, Hunt Kastner Artworks, Praha / Prague

Gotohell, Galerie Na Bidýlku (Gallery on Perch), Brno
Jednoho krásného rá... (One Lovely Morn...), Galerie die Aktualität des Schönen, Liberec
Zakázané uvolnění — s Michalem Škodou (Icing / Forbidden Release — with Michal Škoda), Wannieck Gallery, Brno

Double Feature Picture Show (s Josefem Bolfem / with Josef Bolf), Galerie České pojišťovny, Praha / Prague
Abbey Road 2:45, Atrium Pražákova paláce, Moravská galerie v Brně / Moravian Gallery, Brno

A je to! (That‘s It!), A. M. 180, Praha

Kdopak to mluví? (Look Who‘s Talking), Dům umění České Budějovice / House of Art České Budějovice
Bla, Galerie 761, Ostrava
Galerie Na Bidýlku (Gallery on Perch), Brno
10 rad jak vypadat skvěle při sexu (10 Tips How to Look Great During Sex), G99, Dům pánů z Kunštátu / House of the Kunštát Lords, Brno

Placebo, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha / Václav Špála Gallery, Prague

Ozzy, Galerie Černý pavouk (Black Spider Gallery), Ostrava

Dial, Veletržní palác, Národní galerie v Praze / Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery in Prague

Pereme se za vás (We Are Fighting For You), výkladní skříň BJ, ulice Komunardů, Praha / BJ display box, Komunardů street, Prague
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
The Palace of Concrete Poetry, Writers’ House of Georgia, Tbilisi
Measurement Terror: 1392 Hours of an Exhibition, open for 237 of Those, Fotograf Gallery, Prague

No Art Today? New Acquisitions from the Collections of Prague City Gallery, Municipal Library, Prague City Gallery
Vladimír Skrepl: Remixed & Reimagined, DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague

LUCA2020 Karpuchina Gallery, Prague

Quodlibet 2, hunt kastner, Prague
For the Truth..., Jaroslav Fragner Gallery, Prague
Orient 2, Kunsthalle Bratislava, SK
Monologue of a Chimneysweep from a Chimneyless Town, Nevan Contempo, Prague
Kuna nese nanuk — The Art of Reading Art, 8smička, Humpolec
Moving Image Department #10: Based On Real Events, National Gallery Prague

Civilization at the Crossroad: Engineers of Scientific-Technical Revolution, Display, Prague
Who is the Victor?, GVUO, Ostrava
Temporary Structures 1 — Mutual Investigations, Plato, Ostrava
Conditions of impossibility IV/VII — Alogorrhea, Cursor Gallery, Prague

Places of Act, 4 + 4 Days in Motion — 22nd International Festival of Contemporary Art, Karlín barracks, Prague
Conditions of impossibility I/VII — Loss of time, Cursor Gallery, Prague
Absolute Beginners, Svit, Prague
Neue Schwarze Romantik (New Black Romanticism), Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, DE
Neue Schwarze Romantik (New Black Romanticism), Stadtgalerie Kiel, DE
Noul romantism negru (New Black Romanticism), Muzeul Naţional de Artă al României, Bucharest, RO

Jazyk (Language), Galerie Hraničář, Ústí nad Labem
Ten dům sem nepatří (That Building Doesn’t Belong Here), Karlin Studios, Prague

Exakta, NoD, Prague
Sign, Letter, Code, NTK Gallery, Prague
Supple Mentalities, NoD, Prague
Česká malba generace 90. let 20. století, Adam Gallery, Brno

Kometa (Comet), Gallery Futura, Prague
Prostory narace, NoD, Praha
Svět práce, Galerie U Dobrého pastýře, Brno
Čtení, Galerie TIC, Brno
VII. Nový zlínský salon, Krajská galerie výtvarného umění ve Zlíně

Pro mnohé uši, Fait Gallery, Brno
Lapidarium, Galerie Jaroslava Fragnera, Praha
Blind Spot, Galerie NTK, Praha
Um Pretérito Imperfeito, Galerie Presenca, Porto, PT

Ř! Česká národní identita v současném výtvarném umění, Galerie Umprum, Praha
Na houby / For John Cage, Bludný kámen, Opava
4 + 4 Dny v pohybu – 17. festival současného umění, Casino, Praha
Homo Mathematicus, Galerie NTK, Praha
Ostrovy odporu. Mezi první a druhou moderností 1985–2012, Veletržní palác, Národní galerie v Praze

12 bodů, Galerie 35m2, Praha
Les amis de mes amis sont mes amis, hommage à Ján Mančuška, Gallery Jocelyn Wolff, Paris, FR
VI. Nový zlínský salon, Krajská galerie výtvarného umění ve Zlíně
Brno Art Open: Sculpture in the Street III, The Brno House of Arts
Casual, Formal, Playful, České centrum New York, USA

Ekonomie nechtěných přátelství, Karlin Studios, Praha
4 + 4 Dny v pohybu – 15. festival současného umění, ÚLUV, Praha
Ears Like Loops, Zona sztuki aktualnej, Łódź, PL
On Altruism, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, DE
Fenomén hra, Galerie NTK, Praha
Horká linka, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha
Kašpar noci, Futura, Praha

Prague Biennale 4, Bílý papír černá nevěsta / White Paper Black Bride, Karlin Hall, Praha / Prague
Intertext, Galéria Jána Koniarka / Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava, SK

Stály a čekaly, až se objeví (They Stood and Waited Until He Appeared), Galerie NoD, Praha / Prague
Současný český kubismus (Contemporary Czech Cubism), Staroměstská radnice, Galerie hlavního města Prahy
Die Gehilfen (The Aides), Galerie U bílého jednorožce / Gallery At the White Unicorn, Klatovy
Intro 518 teď 69 teď* teď 180 Bonus Q Track!, Karlin Studios, Praha / Prague
.txt, Galerie Šternberk / Šternberk Gallery, Šternberk
Obrazy slov (Reflecting the Words), Letohrádek Hvězda, Praha
VI. Bienále mladého umění Zvon / VI. Biennial of Young Artists Zvon, Dům U Kamenného zvonu, Galerie hlavního města Prahy / House at the Stone Bell, City Gallery, Prague
Bad Moon Rising Special, ISCP, New York, USA
České zdroje / Czech Sources, Pražský dům, Brusel / Prague House in Brussels, BE

Indexy slasti (Indexes of Delight — festival M@narchia), CDCH, Moskva / Moscow, RU
Punctum, Galerie Futura, Praha / Prague
Hrubý domácí produkt (Gross Domestic Product), Městská knihovna, Galerie hlavního města Prahy / Municipal Library, City Gallery, Prague
Still — Another Exhibition of Painting, Galerie Futura, Praha
Neexistuju když mě nevidíš (I Don‘t Exist When You Don‘t See Me), Futura, Praha / Prague

Frisbee, Dům pánů z Kunštátu / House of the Kunštát Lords, Brno
Sbírka Richarda Adama (Collection of R. Adam), Wannieck Gallery, Brno
Slepí muži přeměřují slona (Blind Men Measuring an Elephant), galerie c2c, Praha
Akné, Sbírka Richarda Adama / Acne, Collection of R. Adam, Galerie Rudolfinum, Praha / Prague
Pozval jsem pár přátel, aby se přišli podívat / I invited some friends to come and watch, Galerija Nova / Galerija M. Kraljevič, Zagreb, HR

V. Bienále mladého umění Zvon / V. Biennial of Young Artists, Dům U Kamenného
Prague Biennale 2, Definice každodennosti / Definition of Everyday, Karlin Hall, Praha / Prague
Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého — finále 2005 / J. Chalupecký Award — Finalists 2005, Městská knihovna, Galerie hlavního města Prahy / Municipal Library, City Gallery, Prague
1811197604122005, Plan B, Cluj, RO

Like Beads on an Abacus Designed to Calculate Infinity, Rockwell, Londýn / London, UK
Neutral, Motorenhalle, Drážďany / Dresden, DE

Survey ,03, Futura, Praha / Prague
Československo (Czechoslovakia), Slovenské Slovenské národné múzeum / Slovak National Museum, Bratislava, SK
To the Letter, České centrum / Czech Centre, New York, USA
Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého — finále 2003 / J. Chalupecký Award — Finalists 2003, Futura, Praha
Perfect Tense / Malba dnes, Jízdárna Pražského hradu / Prague Castle

Sláva kosmonautů zapadá prachem — skupina BJ (The Glory of the Cosmonauts Being Covered by Dust — BJ group show), Galerie Šternberk / Šternberk Gallery, Šternberk
Hédonistická abstrakce (Hedonistic Abstraction), Atrium Pražákova paláce, Moravská galerie v Brně / Pražák palace, Moravian Gallery, Brno
Fair (Glued Intimacy), projekt PAS / Project PAS, Royal College of Art, Londýn, UK
IV. Bienále mladého umění Zvon, Fórum nezávislých galerií / IV. Biennial of Young Artists Zvon 2002, Forum of Independent Galleries, Galerie hlavního města Prahy / City Gallery, Prague
Laboratoř současných tendencí / Laboratory of Contemporary Tendencies, Veletržní palác, Národní galerie v Praze / Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery in Prague
Z Prahy (From Prague), La Chaufferie, Strasbourg, FR
D’un printemps l‘autre, Belfort, FR

Sleva 20 % (20 % Sale), Dům umění České Budějovice, House of Art České Budějovice
Criss/Cross: Praha, Stuttgart, Wroclaw, projekt SCSU, Centrum Broumov, project FCCA, Centrum Broumov
Laboratoř současných tendencí / Laboratory of Contemporary Tendencies, Veletržní palác, Národní galerie v Praze / Trade-Fair Palace, National Gallery in Prague
Art Moscow — skupina BJ (BJ group show), Dům umělců, Moskva / House of Artists, Moscow, RU

Bezhlavý jezdec na vzestupu (BJ Rising), Galerie Jelení, Praha
Ženy přicházejí a odcházejí, jenom my spisovatelé sci-fi zůstáváme — skupina BJ (Women Come and Go; Only We Sci-Fi Writers Remain — BJ group show), Galerie 761, Ostrava
Národní galerie v Praze; Galerie hlavního města Prahy; Muzeum umění Olomouc ; Wannieck Gallery, Brno; Galerie Klatovy — Klenová
Other realisations

Členem skupiny BJ (Bezhlavý jezdec) — spolu s Josefem Bolfem, Jánem Mančuškou a Tomášem Vaňkem



Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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