About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Marie Blabolilová

First Name
Birth place
Place of work
CSU Library
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About artist

Marie Blabolilová proved to have significant talent already in the 1970s when she was classified among the front personalities of the young generation next to K. Gebauer, V. Novák, I. Ouhel, P. Pavlík, M. Rittstein and others. Her creative expression is straightforward, simple and modest. It is based on concentrated observation of the surrounding world, but her portrayal is not descriptively realistic. It combines sensitization with relevance and an intimate perspective with the universal in an original way. Marie Blabolilová always captures a certain fragment of reality, a partial section of it, and ordinary things and objects, which she is closely familiar with. She expresses herself clearly, specifically and comprehensibly. In spite of this, her work does not lack sensitivity; it has a poetic aspect and generalizing overlap. She alternates between working with painting and graphics, and she also restores wall paintings.


In her own work she utilizes her ability to adapt to the style of the finished piece of work in an original way. Here she further makes up the original painting or ornament, however. She has always disliked any form of limitation. Therefore, while she was studying at Prague’s Academy of Fine Arts, she was mostly influenced by Professor Jiří John who gave his students the necessary freedom. She found certain enlightenment in his typical style based on freedom and systematic layering of thin lines.


She soon transferred from painting to graphics where she found the technique of linear etching to be the most suitable for her. The foundation of her original style lies in graphical raster. Her lines have different intensity, they are laid tightly next to one another, vertically, horizontally or aslope and they make up a composed structure. The precise order of the lines is occasionally disrupted by some of them being left out, which creates an empty space. This incompleteness evokes an impression of elusiveness and variability. She uses raster to portray kitchen still life, flat interiors, city nooks as well as landscape scenery. A typical element for her work is an absence of the human figure – housing blocks are abandoned, streets are empty, interiors and landscapes are depicted without people, which in the black and white graphical execution evokes existential feelings and leads to apocalyptic visions (e.g. Sandpit, Landscape of the 3rd Millennium, Resurrection, etc.) She applies similar approach in painting, which she started with and then came back to in the 1980s. Since the 1990s painting dominates in her work. Once again civil themes are dominating here, figure is lacking and her sense for system and precise order is present. The base of her paintings consists of regular patterns, the second plane is represented by a specific motif known from the daily life (e.g. Telephone Booth, Kitchen Still Life, Little Library, Radiator, Chair and Table, Glass, Radio, Dress, Apron, Clothes on the Line, etc.)  Sometimes the background and front image blend in, the area of the painting is filled with repeating motives, which she applies primarily when depicting landscape and natural events (e.g. Falling Snow, Storm in the Field, Crop, Forest, Orchard, Flowers behind the Fence, Sunflowers, Birch Trees, Larches, etc.)


She draws abundant inspiration from the typical furnishing of Czech households from the pre-revolution period. She found magical attraction in the colour and ornamentation of old floor linoleum, which she original redrew and then incorporated as a part of the background in many paintings. Since the mid 1980s she started to paint directly on the linoleum, she uses it as a base and a starting point for newly created compositions. She partially keeps, partially changes or associatively develops the original pattern.


She has also taken a fancy to the paint roller, which leaves a tacky print on the walls of flats. She has raised it to be a noble tool, which can be used to create a cultivated painting. Another typical flat accessory captured her attention – a framed reproduction of famous paintings. She incorporates printed reproductions into her acrylic paintings with an interior theme and she creates an impressive collage containing soft humour. In a certain sense Marie Blabolilová was ahead of her time; she applied untraditional methods that did not spread in Czech painting until later with the accession of artists one generation younger. 

Author of the annotation
Vilma Hubáčková




1967-1973 Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Studios of L. Čepelák, J. John, prof. F. Jiroudek, A. Paderlík

1963-1967 High Art School of Vaclav Hollar, Prague

Member of art groups included in ARTLIST.
Member of art groups not included in ARTLIST.
sdružení Kruh


Solo exhibitions
Chůze lesem, Topičův salon, Praha
Tichá společenství, Památník Terezín

Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
Galerie Pecka, Praha
Obrazy na linoleu / Painting on linoleum, Artotéka a knihovna Opatov, Praha

Galerie na chodbě, základní škola Gajdošova / Basic School, Gajdosova, Ostrava

Obrazy / Pictures, Galerie bratří Čapků, Praha
Autresregards Tcheques, Museum Félicien Rops, Namur, Belgium

Grafiky / Graphics, Galerie nakladatelství Paseka

Grafika a obrazy / Graphics and pictures, Galerie Lucina, Tábor
Grafika / Graphics, Artoteka, Praha

Graphics / Grafika, Galerie Ludvíka Kuby, Poděbrady
Obrazy / Pictures, Divadlo Labyrint,

Grafiky a obrazy, Kabinet grafiky / Graphics and pictures, Cabinet of
graphics, Olomouc
Obrazy a grafiky 1990/1991 / Pictures and graphics 1990/1991, Galerie

Grafiky a obrazy / Graphics and pictures, Kostelec nad Černými lesy,
Trialog o přírodě / Trialogue about nature (s Janou Hladíkovou, Danou Vinopalovou-Vodákovou), Středočeské muzeum, Roztoky u Prahy

Obrazy / Pictures, Institut makromolekulární chemie ČSAV, Praha

Grafiky / Graphics (s Miroslavou Zychovou), Galerie D, Praha

Grafiky / Graphics, Divadlo Těšín, Ćeský Těšín

Grafika / Graphics Divadlo hudby, Olomouc

Grafiky / Graphics, Galerie ve věži, Mělník,

Grafiky / Graphics Malá Galerie University zvěrolékařství/ Little Gallery of Veterinar University, Brno

Grafiky / Graphics (s/with Jiří Schmidt) Gallery M.Iskander, Washington, USA

Grafiky / Graphics (s/with Zuzana Nováčková)Valašské Meziříčí, Museum,

Gragiky z let 1976 – 1978 / Graphics of years 1976-1978, Regionální galerie, Liberec
Graphics and pictures (s/with Jiri Mock), Gallery Fronta, Praha

Obrazy a grafika, Galerie mladých, Praha
Grafika / Graphics, Galerie výtvarného umění, Cheb

Grafika / Graphics, Divadlo E.F. Buriana / Theatre of E.F.Burian
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Grafická zátiší/ Still Life-graphics, Praha, Galerie Hollar

Obrazy / Pictures, Galerie bratří Čapků, Praha

International Triennale of Graphic Arts 94, Norimberk/ Nürnberg
Setkání – rozhraní / Encounter - Interface, Galerie H, Kostelec nad Černými

1993 Příběhy bez konce / Endless Stories, Praha, Palác Kinských
Příběhy bez Konce / Moravská galerie Brno

Norwegian International Print Triennale, Fredrikstad Bibliotek, Fredrikstad,
Výtvarná společnost Kruh / Encounter - Circle, Kostelec nad Černými lesy,
Galerie H, Městská galerie / Civic Gallery
Obrazy, grafiky, objekty / Pictures, graphics, objects, Mánesova síň, Karviná

International Triennale of Graphic Art, Krakow
Gravure Tcheque au XX Siecle, France, Paris, Gallery Lambert Rolland
Ve vztahu k prostoru / In relation to space, Prague, Old Town Hall
Kruh osmi / Eight of the circle, Praha, Galerie Fronta
6 českých grafiků / 6 Tchechischer Grafiker, Germany, Hamburg, Gallery Sochor
Situace / Situation 1970-1989, Frýdek-Místek, Museum Beskyd

Czech graphics, Belgium, La Louviere, Centre de la Grovure et de I'Image,
Premio Internazionale, Palazzina Piacenza, Biella, Italy
Ladislav Čepelák a jeho žáci / Ladislav Čepelák and his learners, Mánes, Praha
Espaces Tcheques, D.R.A.C., Dijon, France

Intergrafik, DDR, Berlin
L'Europe des Graveurs, France, Grenoble, Bibliotheque Municipale
International Independent Exhibition of Prints, Japan, Kanagawa, Prefectural Gallery
Czechoslovak Graphic Art, India, New Delhi, National Gallery of Modern Art, Jaipur House

Gravures Tcheques, France, Paris, Theatre du Rond-Point International
Bienále grafiky / Biennale of Graphics, Krakow

Premio internazionale, Palazzo Ferrero della Marmora, Biella, Italy

British International Print Biennale, , Bradford, Cartwright Hall England
Intergrafik, DDR, Berlin, Ausstellungszentrum am Fernsehturm
Velká kresba / Big drawing, Galerie H, Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Salon d'Automne, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Premio Internazionale, Italy, Biella, Citta Degli Studi, Biella
Krabičky / Little boxes, Gallery H, Kostelec nad Černými lesy

British International Print Biennale, Cartwright Hall, Bradford, England
Internationale Jugendtriennale, Germanisches Nazionalmuseum, Nurnberg, Germany

Kresby a grafika / Drawing and graphics, Praha, Hájenka

Prostor člověka / Space of man, Městské kulturní středisko, Dobříš

Konfronatace / Confrontations, Microbiologický Institut, ČSAV, Praha

Nová jména v grafice / New names in graphics, Galerie D, Praha
National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., USA
Národní galerie v Praze
GVU Liberec
GMU Roudnice nad Labem
Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Galerie Iskander Washington
GVU Karlovy Vary



Černá Marie A.: Symbol a skutečnost v tvorbě Marie Blabolilové, Výtvarná kultura, č. 2, 1978

Petrová Sylva; Mladá grafika, Odeon, 1980

Hůla Jiří: Marie Blabolilová, Gramorevue, 1988

Hůla Jiří: Marie Blabolilová - Obyčejné věci a věčné hodnoty, Denní telegraf, 1995

Hůla Jiří: Marie Blabolilová (Portrét z vernisáže), Denní telegraf, 1995

Tichý Jiří: Každodennost Marie Blabolilové, Ateliér č. 11, 1996

Hůla Jiří: Marie Blabolilová: Obrazy na linoleu, zahájení výstavy (rukopis), 2000

Roubíčková Renata: Nenápadné jistoty Marie Blabolilové, Ateliér, č. 16-17, 2001

Souček Martin: Marie Blabolilová, katalog k výstavě v Galerii Klatovy/Klenová, 2003

Šiklová Lucie:Marie Blabolilová Tichá společenství, katalog výstavy v Památníku Terezín, 2011


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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