About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Ondřej Maleček

First Name
Birth place
Place of work
CSU Library
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About artist

Ondřej Maleček graduated from the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (Professor P. Nešleha, Professor S. Diviš). Given his previous studies he is close to literature and verbal imagery, above all to classical Czech romanticism and the literary evocation of place (K. H. Mácha, K. Klostermann). Neo-romantic responses form a substantial part of his painterly poetics. Natural melancholic secluded places (paths, valleys), abandoned places (fields, clearings) or dramatically formed scenery (forests at night, rock formations) are lightened by a personal naive morphology. The soft stylisation, which evokes the impression of enlarged diary drawings, creates an ironic distance from the attributes of transience (death, skull, bones,), salvation (the cross, face, saints) or national peculiarities and identity (lion, banner, flag).


Maleček blunts the sharp, painful spikes of romantic freedom, irreconcilability and revolt, so that everything is transformed into a balladic, bitter-sweet fairytale, but one which does not deny the murky depths from which it is drawn. These are legendary messages about the place where the artist lives, about the space he shares, about identity, dreams, about unattainable wishes and conciliations. His pictures feature night forests, sharply winding mountain paths, dramatic cloud formations, moths, spiders and predators, weird herbs and magic mushrooms. Heraldic animals become threatening totemic monsters or absurdly revived caricatures sent into the space (a double-tailed lion).


In the cycle entitled Flags Maleček deals with the issue of demarcated territory. He places found objects, products of nature, key elements of the landscape, as well as conventional symbols (skull and crossbones, a rainbow, caption) on “picture-banners”. Everything is ambiguous and dematerialised. The distinctive, dangerous nationalism of the 19th century becomes a friendly, campfire game set against the cultural landscape, inscrutable in its sensed genuine memory. A lived, historically non-binding de-contextualisation of place.


Maleček’s books are noteworthy. Full of pictures and quotes set against a background of the decomposition of the item (mould, damp maps, pages glued together, etc. The exercise book / diary / book as a medium subject to decomposition and disappearance, though this can be delayed through its recreation in an artefact, an archive full of human traces and gestures. Maleček is thus above all a painting poet who is sometimes craftily playing with us. The landscape which he returns to again and again is then the plan of self-projection and an act of intense experience, which can be shared and passed around.

Author of the annotation
Petr Vaňous




2000-2006 Academy of Applied Arts, Architecture and Design, Pavel Nešleha, Stanislav Diviš

1997-2001 Academy of Performing Arts, Prague, stage design

Dušek Jan, Jaroslav Malina

1994-1995 Grossmont high school, La Mesa, CA, USA



2005 Athens

Member of art groups not included in ARTLIST.
ve skupině Obr (2007 - 2009)


Solo exhibitions
Ondřej Maleček: V zahradě, Galerie Dům, Broumov

Ondřej Maleček: In natura, Galerie výtvarného umění v Chebu, Malá galerie, Cheb

Ondřej Maleček: Druhý břeh, Galerie Dole, Ostrava

Z luhů a hájů, Galerie F. Jeneweina, Kutná Hora
Krajina, Galerie Půda, Jihlava

Šumava, Galerie Makráč, Praha

Máchův Máj - diplomová práce, VŠUP, Praha
Galerie NoD - Roxy, Praha
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Věznice: Místo pro umění, Moravské uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum, Brno

Věznice: Místo pro umění, DOX, Centrum současného umění / Centre for Contemporary Art, Praha 7

Obr.na písku, Galerie Tranzit - Dielne, Bratislava, Slovensko

1. Českoněmecké sympozium, Galerie Klenová
Obr., Gallery in Bewegung, Landshut, Německo
Obr.v Mánesu, Výstavní síň Mánes, Praha
Karel Klostermann, výstava velkoformátových maleb evropských malířů, Západočeské muzeum, Plzeň
Obr.nad Brnem, Galerie Aula, Brno

Kráska a zvíře

Podzimní kvítí, bohnický areál v Praze

Speciální nabídka, Galerie Doubner, Praha

Atelier malby,GFJ, Kutná Hora

studentská výstava v Plasech

studentská výstava, Letohrádek královny Anny, Praha
výstava malby,hotel Barcelo, Praha
výstava ke 120 výročí založení VŠUP, Galerie Mánes, Praha
Studenti, galerie Louvre, Praha
Konfrontace mladých autorů, Galerie Artkontakt, Brno, G.XXL, Louny, G. Vltavín, Praha
AVU / VŠUP, Galerie AVU, budova VŠUP, Praha
atelier malby, kulturní centrum Bazilika, České Budějovice
atelier malby, Galerie Duna Tri, Bystřice nad Perštejnem
, Galerie Nová Síň, Praha
Jenewein, GFJ, Kutná Hora
Designblok 07, Praha
Obr. v Louvru, Galerie Louvre, Praha



Baborovská, S.: OBR (katalog), Galerie in Bewegung, Landshut, 2007 (?)

Rezler, A.: Jenewein Kutná Hora : VII. sympozium současného výtvarného umění : Brázdilová Petra, Fexa Marek, Maleček Ondřej, Matyska Pavel, Paul Jan (katalog), Galerie F. Jeneweina, Kutná Hora, 2007


Vaňous, P.: Možnosti exprese v mladé české malbě/ Pražská scéna: Maleček/ Pešat/ Véla, Revolver revue, č. 75, 2009, s. 39 - 54

Vaňous, P.: Pirátské vlajky, A2 46/ 2008

Tučková, K.: Zpráva o Obr.u, Literární noviny, roč. 18, č. 44, 2007, s. 13

Sládková, H.: Jak se peče Obr, A2 kulturní týdeník 19/2007

Vaňous, P.: Máchovské variace Ondřeje Malečka, A2 kulturní týdeník 29/ 2006, s. 9

Vaňous, P.: Podivuhodný příběh Ondřeje Malečka, Revue art, č. 4/ 2006, s. 40 - 43

Other critical texts















Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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