About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Silvie Vondřejcová

First Name
Birth place
Place of work
CSU Library
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About artist

Silvie Vondřejcová (1976) graduated from the Studio of Glass in Architecture led by Marián Karel at the Academy of Art, Architecture and Design in Prague. In spite of that, she was more interested, already during her studies, in performance and investigation of herself, her limits and her immediate surroundings. She made the last large spatial object The Story of a Flat in 2001. It contains a topic that later became fundamental for Silvie and that made her abandon three-dimensionality. Through the use of various distribution of furniture The Story of a Flat represents the transformation of a flat where a family that is falling apart lives. In another project Limitation (2002), inspired by Tehching Hsieh performances and implemented at her school stay on Rhode Island School of Design, she creates barriers for herself in which she spends an entire day. Today I will not walk fast, I will not speak and I will not sit! She based her thesis work on Limitation giving it the same name in Czech Omezení (2003), where for the period of six months she prohibited herself once a month to speak, sleep at home, write, sit, etc.

Silvie gradually seizes to examine herself and starts to subject us – her viewers – to the process of question and doubt. In her project Questionnaire (Dotazník) (2004) she asks us how we would like to have been born if we could not choose all the fortune that we received just by being born here and now. Three years later she asks us in Questions (Otázky, 2007) from Artwall what we think our child should be like.


An essential breaking point in the work of Silvie Vondřejcová came, however, after she finished her studies. Out of fear of becoming a part of the working process and not having time for art, she made a rule for herself that everyday she’d have to draw a part of a certain whole. It was the beginning of a daily performance documented by a small square drawing from one day called Calendars (2004-present). The drawing always has a date and time of origin on the back. That citation of Apellés “not a day without a line drawn”, which is currently being used so often, has materialized in Silvia’s case in  12 years and 12 thematic cycles that so far include over 4300 drawings.


Fundamental topics of Silvie’s work include the yearly cycle, examining ordinary moments, capturing transformations in time and their rituals. She records the most ordinary transformations when the sun creates a shadow of a plant in Shadows (Stíny) 2013, or when it rises on the sky – from spring to winter in Calendars, 2005, from the morning to the evening in Sky above the Chimney (Nebe nad komínem), 2010. Or she takes pictures of places in Journeys to Work (Cesty do práce), 2004.


Systematicness, personal life and experiences, when unnoticed everydayness and the urgency to abandon our seeming troubles and devote our time to what is actually happening around us, intermesh and generalize in the mechanism of concepts of her work. To contemplate whether the sun is still setting behind the blacksmith shop, whether the world has changed while I go to work every day, whether I still know what and how is happening and transforming around me.

Author of the annotation
Romana Veselá




Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (prof. Marian Karel)



Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA (stipend, Bruce Chiao)



Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (stipend, prof. Aleš Veselý)



Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney, Austrálie (stipend, Richard Whitely)



College Art School of Vaclav Hollar





quartier 21, MuseumsQuartier, Vídeň, Rakousko


Awards, grants:



Henkel Art Award - výběr mezi 5 českých finalistů, postup do mezinárodního kola



Výroční grant Nadace pro současné umění Praha na realizaci projektu Omezení



cestovní grant nadace Nadání Josefa, Marie a Zdeňky Hlávkových

první místo v soutěži University Karlovy na návrh pamětní desky (spolu s M. Motyčkou) + realizace


Solo exhibitions
ArtWall - links (společné dílo se Sylvou Francovou)

ČASOSBĚRNÉ PROJEKTY (se Sylvou Francovou), galerie VŠUP v Praze

OTÁZKY, galerie Na zdi – ArtWall v Praze

SPACE PICTURE, Newspace gallery v Sydney, Austrálie
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Tutti Frutti, Tržnica, Bratislavě, Slovensko

PANEL STORY, Galéria města Bratislavy, Slovensko
MINIMÁLNÍ TRVANLIVOST, Galerie Emila Filly (Armaturka) v Ústí n. Labem (společné dílo se S. Francovou)

HANDS FREE BREAST PUMP, galerie ProstorR2 Brno
VELOCYPEDIA, Galerie Národní technické knihovny v Praze

AKCE ZET, Galerie Emila Filly (Armaturka) v Ústí nad Labem
LIMITY TĚLA, galerie Národní technické knihovny v Praze

VELMI KŘEHKÉ VZTAHY, Galerie Armaturka v Ústí nad Labem
RODINNÁ POHODA, Nostický palác v Praze

DIRECT ONTOLOGY, Secession ve Vídni, Rakousko
DIRECT ONTOLOGY, galerie Futura v Praze

STRACH VE MĚSTĚ, Galerie Kritiků v Praze
RISD – VŠUP, galerie VŠUP v Praze
NARROW FOCUS, Tranzit dielne v Bratislavě, Slovensko

5 ŽEN, 5 OTÁZEK, galerie Jelení v Praze
Other realisations

1.9. 06-8.3. 07 Hmotnost 2, moje vlastní těhotenství bylo nahodilým pokračováním projektu Hmotnost (převážně Praha)

1.9. 05-10.3. 06 Hmotnost, přibývání na váze spolu s těhotnou sestrou až do jejího porodu (Praha)

30.8. 04-29.8. 05 Oblečení, oblékala jsem se jen do jedné, každý měsíc jiné barvy (Praha a Vídeň)

1.1. 03-30. 6. 03 Omezení, šest za sebou jdoucích měsíčních sebeomezení (převážně Praha)

11.-17.5. 02 Limitations, sedm celodenních většinou fyzických sebeomezení (Provicence USA)




100 artists-in-residence – rozšířená prezentace účastnice residenčního programu

AUTOBIOGRAPHIES – katalog skupinové výstavy v Secessionu Vídeň



5 žen, 5 otázek – CD audio-katalog s bookletem dokumentující ženskou výstavu v Jelení



OMEZENÍ – katalog s dokumentací půlroční akce



UMĚLEC 1/2008 – text Zuzany Štefkové „Kdo se bojí mateřství?“ (str. 48-50)



ERA 21 5/05 – projekt Příběh bytu (str. 46)

UMĚLEC 1/2005 – projekt Okradena (str. 8-9)



RESPEKT 38 – rozhovor (str. 16)

RESPEKT 33 – prezentace projektu Okradena (str. 5)

DER STANDARD 17. juni – německý překlad projektu Dotazník (str. 13)

ARTOZA (TV pořad) – rozhovor nejen o projektu Omezení (ptal se David Černý)

RESPEKT 4 – projekt Dotazník (str. 19)

RESPEKT 1 – prezentace projektu Omezení (str. 11-13)



UMĚLEC 3/2002 – rubrika Nové tváře (str. 82)

Personal texts not included in database

viz: Texty: www.vondrejcova.wz.cz


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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