About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Tomáš Císařovský

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About artist

Tomáš Císařovský has been fascinated with the medium of painting ever since he began creating art. He is among the most well-known Czech artists that formulated and pushed through works based on postmodernism on the mid-1980s Czech cultural scene. He presented his work along with his contemporaries at unofficial Konfrontace (Confrontation) exhibitions of the works of young artists (begun in 1984) at which an aesthetics of spontaneous neo-expressive art prevailed. His Targets paintings presented at the Konfrontace exhibitions approach in style the Italian Transavantgarde movement of that time.


In another phase of his work along with other members of and friends from the group Tvrdohlaví strove more for a postmodern perception of painting. He began to see painting as a linquistical game and experimented with its visual language. Around the turn of the 1990s he introduced individual and collective memory and its narratives as themes in his paintings. These corresponded both to a historicism connected to the postmodern, as well as to a recollection of the light sides of Czech history, which we could place in context with the then collapse of the totalitarian system. An important extensive cycle of canvases from this period is entitled From the Journal of Grandpa the Legionnaire. A parallel narrative of the story through the picture and text is typical for him.


Since the 1990s Tomáš Císařovský has collaborated on projects of Gallery MXM in Prague. He found models for his works in newspaper or family photographs, from which he chose detailed cut-outs. Among his numerous exhibitions organized in the 1990s, those canvases presented at the following exhibitions are especially worth mentioning: Seen by Two prepared with his wife Erika in 1993, Change the Channel, Naty (1994) and Horseless (1996). In 2000 he prepared with other colleagues an exhibition at the City Gallery Prague entitled And What Are You Thinking About. Here his figures and their gestures are specific, materially conceived signs of visual language, and he coherently works with the effect of striking colours.


In recent years the narrative ideas depicted in the works of Tomáš Císařovský has changed. The artist turned for inspiration to the period following the Second World War, deepened the expressive tone of colour on the canvas and thus also allowed for a greater existential message in his work.


Author of the annotation
Terezie Petišková




1983-1988 Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, studio of A. Paderlík

1978-1982 Secondary School of Arts Prague (Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola)


Solo exhibitions
Promlčená doba, Galerie Oskara Kokoschky, Praha

Pozdní indiánské léto / Late Indian Summer, Galerie V kapli, Bruntál
Akvarely, Universitní galerie, Plzeň

Země, mraky a salsa/ Earth, Clouds and Salsa, Galerie MXM, Praha
Nejisté vyhlídky / Insecure Prospects, Galerie U Bílého jednorožce, Klatovy
Přesypaný svět /Transfuced World, Výstavní síň Sokolská 26, Ostrava; Dům
kultury Vsetín
Obrazy / Paintings, Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Praha

Silnice / Road, Národní galerie, Veletržní palác, Praha
Ecce homo, Galerie Hammer-Herzer, Weiden

Mlčení / Silence, Galerie U kamene, Cheb
Volný pád / Free Fall, Stavební spořitelna Raiffeisen, Praha
Tomáš Císařovský, Poslanecká sněmovna ČR, Praha

Červená pustina / Red Desert, Galerie MXM, Praha

U konce s dechem / Out of Breath, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha
Česká šlechta / Czech Aristocracy, Galerie Planá, Planá u Mariánských lázní
Ohne Pferde, Kulturzentrun Halle, Halle
Viděno dvěma / Visions of Two, Galerie MXM, Praha

Bez koní / Without Horses, Galerie Rudolfinum, Praha
Der lange Blick, Galerie Hammer-Herzer, Weiden
Kousek nad zemí / A Bit over Earth, Galerie 761, Ostrava
Korčula, Galerie KD, Prostějov
Těla, šaty, tváře / Bodies, clothes, faces, Centrum pro evropská studia, Praha

Lidové obrazy / Folk Paintings, Galerie U dobrého pastýře, Brno
Akvarely / Watercolours, Galerie na bidýlku, Brno

Naty, přepni to / Naty, Switched over It, Galerie MXM, Praha

Galerie MXM, Praha /s Erikou Bornovou/

Portréty / Portraits, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha
Korrekte Aussprache, Galerie Binz 39, Zürich

Galerie MXM, Praha
Galerie La Coupole, Neu Issenburg
Museo Nacionale d´arte Moderna, San Marino /s J.Davidem a

Z deníku dědy legionáře / From Diary of Legionary Grandfather, Kulturní středisko Blatiny, Praha

Klub VŠE / Club of Economic University, Praha /s J.Davidem/
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Aqua art, Galerie kritiků, Palác Adria, Praha
Generační výsek / Generation Cut, Galerie Tvrdohlaví, Praha
Portrét, HVB, Praha

5°pod rovníkem / 5° Under Equator, Galerie kritiků, Palác Adria, Praha
Na papíře / On the Paper, Galerie MXM, Praha
Divočina / Wilderness, Galerie Klatovy/Klenová, Klatovy
Šaty; Projekt; Kytky, Figura / Clothes, Project, Flowers, Figure, HVB Praha
Interpretace není zločin / Interpretation is not a Crime, Dům umění, Brno
Typický obraz / Typical Painting, Galerie Mánes, Praha
Variace 02 / Variation 02, Divadlo Novanta, Mělník

Dílna 01 / Workshop 01, Zámek Mikulov
Vermutliche malerei, Tschechisches zentrum Berlin

Maestros del Arte Checo, Centro Cultural de la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, Lima
Melancholie / Melancholy, Moravská galerie, Brno
Pravděpodobná malba / Probable Painting, Galerie Mánes, Praha
Portrét 2000 / Portrait 2000, Galerie U Bílého Jednorožce, Klatovy
Světlo zrození / Light of a Birth, Muzeum umění Benešov
Dílna 00 / Workshop 00, Zámek Mikulov
Pohádkový svět komiksu / Fairytale World of Comics, Galerie Caesar, Olomou

Czech Art in the ´90s“ The Czech Center, New York
Szene Prag, Galerie Hammer-Herzer, Weiden
The first Austrotel Contemporary Art Fair, Wien
Flirting with Forigners, The Czech Centre, London
II. Zlínský salón, Zlín

Snížený rozpočet / Reduced Budget, Galerie Mánes, Praha
Liste 98, The Young Art Fair, Basel
Zelená / Green, Galerie AVU, Praha
Na vlastní oči, Galerie…die Aktualitat des Schonen, Liberec
Tak daleko, tak blízko / Faraway, So Close, dálnice D1 Praha-Brno, Galerie MXM, Praha
Softly, The Czech Centrum, Moskva

Liste 97, The Young Art Fair, Basel
Schnittstellen-Neue Tschechische Kunst, Kunsthalle, Konstanz
Desetkrát žena / Ten Times Woman, Galerie Na bidýlku“ Brno

Ticho, teplo, tekutiny / Silence, Warmth, Liquids, Galerie JNJ, Praha
Opakované příběhy / Repeated Stories, Moravská galerie, Brno; Národní galerie, Praha; Galerie Szombathely, Budapest
V prostoru XX. století / In the Space of 20th Century, Galerie hlavního města Prahy
Mrkačka, Galerie MXM, Praha
I. Zlínský salón, Zlín

ARTEST, Kunthalle Pallazo, Liestal
Figure, Patrizia Buonanno Arte Contemporanea, Mezzolombardo
Hier und dort Pavilon Preussag, Hannover
B and others, Galerie Velryba, Praha
Zkušební provoz /Test Run, Galerie Mánes, Praha
Čistý zisk, Galerie MXM, Praha
Opravdické obrazy, Galerie Sýpka, Osová Bitýška
Asi takhle, ale s rezervou, Galerie MXM, Praha

Second Exit-Zweiter Ausgang, Ludwig Forum, Aachen
To, co zbývá, Štencův dům, Praha
Art Hamburg, Hamburg messe, Hamburg

Prague-Bratislava:D´une Generation,l´Autre; Musée d´Art, Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris
Slovaques et Tcheques, Galerie Maeght, Paris
Hight and Low, un sapere minore, Galerie Monti Pio, Roma
Rozmarýn-Šalvěj-Tymián / Rosemary-Salvia-Thyme, Galleria Panetta, Manheim
Císařovský, David, Střížek; Centro Culturale Una Arte,Fano
Šedá cihla / Grey Brick, Galerie U Bílého Jednorožce, Klatovy; Košice

Trigon 8x2, Neue Galerie Graz, Graz; Aarauer Kunsthaus,
Aarau; Galerie Mánes, Praha
Contemporary Czech Paintings, Taiwan Museum of Art,Taiwan
Beitrag zum Gluck, Galerie der Kunstler, München
Unknow Europe, Kraków
Cesty k postmoderně / Ways to postmodernism,Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum, Praha

Zeichen im Fluss, Museum der 20.Jahrhundert, Wien;Zagreb;Pécs;Praha
Dialog Praha-Los Angeles, Otis Parsons Gallery, Los Angeles
Contemporary Czech Paintings, Walker Hill Art Center, Seoul
Popis jednoho zápasu / Description of a Strugle, Roudnice n. Labem;
Česká Alternativa / Czech Alternative, Výstavní síň ÚLUV, Praha
Inoffiziel Kunst der 1968-1989, Museum der Stadt Regensburg,
Czech Art in the velvet Revolution, Nassau County museum of Art, New York

Tschechische Malerei heute, Villa Merkel, Galerie der Stadt Esslingen
Pocta Janu Bauchovi / Hommage to Jan Bauch, Galerie Václava Špály, Praha
Minulost a budoucnost ve Vinohradské tržnic, Vinohradská tržnice, Praha

Painting of the 80s Generation, Palác mládeže, Moskva

1984 - 1987
Konfrontace I–V, Praha, Kladno, Svárov


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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