About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Petr Nikl

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About artist

Being a versatile artist, Petr Nikl renders his imaginative powers in the shape of painting, performance, singing, theatre, graphic art, and various kinds of combinations of traditional art media. His activities have also included being curator, theatre director and orchestra conductor.


Having entered the Czech scene as a painter, Petr Nikl presented his early paintings at student’s exhibitions called Konfrontace (Confrontation) taking place since 1984. His paintings of those days were suggestive of a memory of human tenderness protecting defenceless human and animal young ones. Even in his latter years, the spirit of human kindness and gentleness continued to be embraced in the paintings in their subject and form, too. Nikl’s paintings seem to be a kind of recorded mysteries of human life and behaviour, being experienced by the artist during his performances. Still they imply a challenge for painting techniques to render niceties of the visible world.


His parents’ and grandparents’ art activities influenced his childhood considerably, and that being so, his memory of childhood plays a dominant part in artists’s development. It is his creative approach to reality, personal freedom and his open mind for a wide range of possibilities that influence his productive art career. He exhibited his earliest puppets at the IVth Confrontation in Svárov, 1985 and at the same time presented them in his first public theater performance there. Nikl’s theater activities have been brought out ever since. Original carved marionettes have been substituted with findings of weird shapes and with sound and other effects produced, in alternative way, with various instruments. The project “Air Sightseeing Apparatus »Flip«” in Veletržní palác started his continuous theater production.


Running parallel to the theater and performance activities, Nikl also works in the field of staged photograph, with his own body playing various roles. Playing with fanciful disguises, he brings together personal identity trifling and art concern of an author of impressive sculpture and painting compositions.


Since the very beginning Nikl has been using sound in his performances. It is either sound of various weird apparatus or the artist’s own voice. His later performances are accompanied by singing. In 2006 Petr Nikl, together with music ensemble Lakomé Barky (Stingy Barkas), recorded double-album Přeslenec.


Being determined with his interest in mastering well-tried painting methods to a considerable extent, his refined style and painting composition parallel his graphic art. Using the mezzotint technique, Nikl creates sensitive abstracted organic shapes. His drawings come deeply natural with his graphic art.


He has been several times awarded for his illustrations; he has written and illustrated his Linguistic Tales, Fairy-tales Rybana and the Sea Soul and Rybitinka.


Social interest and search for the relevant up-to date meaning of contemporary art are attendant on Nikl’s art works. His playful nature relevantly brought him to human playfulness, this being a natural field for understanding between contemporary art and wide public. In 2000 he projected and produced a large group exhibition Hnízda her (Nest of Games) in Rudolfinum Gallery in Prague. The event attracted remarkable attention of the audience. Continuous with this conception, the project of Czech exposition in World exposition in Aichi in 2005 and the exhibition Orbis Pictus in Czech Center in Paris in 2006 were accomplished.

Author of the annotation
Ludvík Hlaváček




1981-1987 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

1976-1980 School of Applied Arts, Uherské Hradiště



1995 Jindrich Chalupecký Awards

1994 Jindrich Chaalupecký Awards, honorable mention



2004 Ecole Supérieure des beaux arts, Marseille, Francie

2003 Mijkulovské výtvarné symposium

2001 Mikulovské výtvayrné symposium

1996 Headlands Center for the Arts, CA, USA

Member of art groups included in ARTLIST.


Solo exhibitions
Pijavice, Vaclav Spala Gallery, Prague
Brown pictures, Gallery 8, Prague
Pro mě na, Galerie Hollar, Prague

Časosběry, Plzeň Gallery
Dialogue With My Mother, Trutnov Gallery

The faces from New York, Fait Gallery, Brno
The Cockroaches, Pellé Gallery, Prague
Naprášené obrazy, Galerie 1. patro, Prague

Dialogue With My Mother, Czech Center, Milano
The game of time, GhmP, Prague

The faces from New York, Wortnerův dům, Alšova jihočeská galerie, České Budějovice
I am your hare, Wanieck Gallery. Brno

Dialogue With My Mother, Czech Center, Paris

Kresby z Nového světa, Galerie Havelka, Praha
Dialog s maminkou, Krajská galerie výtvarného umkění ve Zlíně
Dialog s maminkou, Letohrádek Hvězda, Praha

Tváře, Galerie Via, Praha
Blázni, Galerie Mona Lisa, Olomouc

Labyrinty, Galerie Moderna, Praha
Ulity, Centre Culturel Joël Le Theule, Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Francie
Samovolné výhonky, Galerie Blansko

Radost, Galerie České pojišťovny, Praha
Ulity, Galerie Sýpka, Valašské Meziříčí

Soul Etude - instalace v budově bývalých jatek, Londýn
Bludný rybář, cyklus fotografií, Kuala Lumpur, Malajsie
Ulity, Oblastnoí galerie Vysočiny, Jihlava
Ulity, Východočeská galerie Prdubice
Anna a žába, České centrum Vídeň

Černé obrazy, Galerie výtvarného umění Opava
Záclony, Galerie Gambit, Praha

Anna, Galerie Jelení Praha
Sad, Galerie 36 - Kyjev, Ukrajina
Zrůdy, Galerie Tvrdohlaví, Praha (spolu s Davidem Wallikerem)

Prasklá pohádka / Broken Fairy Tale, Mustasaari Gallery, Oulu, Finland
Mí přátelé / My Friends, Galerie Sokolská 26, Ostrava

Obrazy, kresby / Paintings, Drawings, Neue Rathaus, Weiden, Germany

Netopýří princezny / Bat’s Princesses, Galerie MXM, Praha

Parrot Heading Out to the Cosmic Space, Špálova galerie, Praha
Tváře / Faces, Czech Cultural Center, Vienna, Austria

Prasklá pohádka / Broken Tale, Gallery at the White Unicorn, Klatovy
Jako motýl /As a Butterfly, Národní galerie v Praze - Veletržní Palác

Touha stát se Indiánem / To Become an Indian, Galerie Planá, Marianské Lázně

Mí svatí / My Saints, Czech Cultural Center, Berlin, Germany
Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého / Jindrich Chalupecky Award, Špálova galerie v Praze

Pokojíčky / Little Rooms, Galerie Aspekt, Brno
Pipovi a Filipovi / For Pip and Flip, Galerie MXM, Praha

Maska svatosti / Sacred Mask, Window Gallery, British Council, Praha

Zemřelé hračky / Died Toys, Galerie MXM, Praha
Spánek / Sleep, Špálova galerie, Praha ( s / together with Michal Nesazal)

Obrazy, Objekty / Paintings, Objects, Sechzig Gallery, Feldkirch, Austria

Čas / Time, La Coupole Gallery, Neu-Isenburg, Germany

Obrazy / Paintings, Regionální galerie SCCA Praha
Obrazy, divadlo ve Zlíně

Kresby / Drawings, Divadelní klub / Theater Club, České Budějovice

Obrazy / Paintings, Kulturní středisko Blatiny / Cultural Center Blatiny, Praha
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
The Heart of Europe, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China

Lone Rangers, Galerie 1. patro, Prague

Lone Rangers, Frameless Gallery, London

Fundamenty sedimenty, GHMP, Prague
80. ears, Wanieck Gallery, Brno

České umněí, Galeria Denubiana, Bratislava

14S, DOX, Praha
Moje Evropa, DOX, Praha

Tvrdohlaví po 20 letech, Galerie Zlaté písky, Bratislava
Tvrdohlaví po 20 letech, Středočeské muzeum výtvarných umění Praha

Tvrdohlaví po 20 letech, Galerie výtvarného umněí Ostrava

A na co myslýš ty?, GHMP, Městská knihovna, Praha


Česká sezona ve Francii / Czech Season in France, St.Etien

Nová spojení / New Connection, Contemporary Art from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, World Financial Center, New York, USA

Hnízda Her / Nests of Games, Rudolfinum Gallery, Prague (koncepce projektu / conception of the project)
100+1, Gallery of Central Bohemia, Prague

Pocta Franzi Kafkovi / Homage a Franz Kafka, Kulturforum Augsburk, Germany, JNJ Gallery - Dancing House, Prague
Vítězové ceny Jindřich Chalupeckého / Jindrich Chalupecky Prize Winners, Bucharest, Romania, Moscow, Russia, Kiev, Ukraine

Snížený rozpočet / Reduced Budget, Mánes Gallery, Prague

Jitro kouzelníků? / The Dawn of Magicians?, Národní galerie v Praze - Veletržní palác
Mezinárodní veletrh kresby / International Drawings Fair, Dresden, Germany
MXM Gallery, Constancy, Germany
Exhibition of Czech Artists, Union Forum fur Architektur&Kunst, Goldach, Switzerland

A Bronze Twig, Historical Museum, Stockholm, Sweden

Fly May Bug, Fly, anti-aircraft shelter, Cologne, Germany
Struktur, figur, Markt Bruckmuhl Gallery, Germany
Distant Voices, South London Gallery, London, Edinburgh, Southampton, UK
Accrochage, Galerie La Coupole, Neu-Isenburg, Germany
Works on Paper, South Bank Centre, London
New Painting of Eastern Europe, Galerie de Arte Detursa, Madrid, Spain
Via Crucis, Strahovský klášter/ Monastery, Praha, Turin, Italy

Šedá cihla / The Grey Brick, Klatovy / Klenova Gallery, J. Jakoby Gallery, Košice
Sedm umělců z Prahy / Seven Artists from Prague, Akademie, Brussels, Belgium
Tvrdohlaví / The Stubborn, Grand Huit, Theatre National de Bretagne, Rennes, France
Tvrdohlaví / The Stubborn, ÚLUV Gallery, Prague

Painting in the Eighties, Palace of Youth, Moscow, Russia
Národní galerie v Praze, Galerie Mikoláše Alše,Hluboká, Státní galerie, Zlín; Galerie hl. m. Prahy, Galerie výtvarného umění, Olomouc; Galerie výtvarného umění, Karlovy Vary; Moravská galerie, Brno; Nadace současného umění,Praha; Galerie Klatovy - Klenová, Galerie výtvarného umění, Liberec, Galerie výtvarného umění, Litomeřice, a soukromé sbírky v Česku i zahraničí
Other realisations

Selected performances:


Sváteční Pop, s Ondřejem Smejkalem, Milanem Caisem a Jiřím Hradilem



Rotterhammer, s Theater Labor a Krebskem, Bielefeld, Německo



Vodní tance, Drážďany, Německo



Bludný rybář, Madrid, Španělsko

Tanec hraček, Jelení Gora, Polsko

Soul Etude, s Balanescu kvartetem, Londýn



Tanec hraček, Divadlo Archas K Lhotákovou a L. Soukupem

Stabat Mater, loutkový balet, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilie

Tětiva snů, divadlo Brett, Vídeň

Svit stínu, divadlo Archa, Praha

Vodní tance, Theater Labor, Bielfeld, Německo



Bílá ponorka / The White Submarine, “seeyuatthepremierefair“ festival, Berlin Sea-Weed Dances, Oulu, Finland



Za zrcadlem / Behind the Mirror, together with artists from South Africa, Divadlo Archa

Ars Alchymia festival, Divadlo v Celetné, Praha



Slunovrrat / Solstice, Festival Arts Alive, Johannesburg, South Africa

Days of Prague in Kyoto, Japan

FLIP - series of audio-visual performances, National Gallery in Prague



Cirkus / The Circus, Bread&Puppet Theater, Vermont, USA

PS122, Jim Henson Festival, New York, USA



Vzdálené hlasy / Distant Voices, South London Gallery, London, UK




2007 Requiem, Loutkový film na motivy hudby W.A. Mozarta, 52 min.



1998 J. J. Ryba: Česká mše vánoční / Czech Christmas Mass, decoration and costumes, State Opera, Prague

1994 Opera La Serra, decoration and costumes, Archa Theater, Prague


Interactive installations:


Play, Mánes Praha

Labyrint světla, Dům umění Ostrava

Leporelohra, České centrum Praha



Orbis Pictus, Brusel; Sofie

Labyrint světla, Stará kanalizační čistírna, Praha

Leporelohra, knihovna Livberec; Dům umělců Moskva



Orbis Pictus, Důl Michal, Ostrava; Kulturní centrum Basilica, Č. Budějovice; Telus, World of Science, Vancouver, Kanda



Orbis Pictus, České muzeum hudby, Praha; Dům umění města Brna; Rotunda, Květná zahrada, Kroměříž; kostel sv. Václava, Opava; Limonaia, di Villa Strozzi, Florencie;



Orbis Pictus, aneb Brána do světa tvořivé lidské fantazie, České centrum Paříž



Zahrada fantazie a hudby, Světová výstava Expo 2005, Aichi, Japonsko



Hnízda her, Rudolfinum Praha



2010 Přeshádky, Meander

2009 Blázníček, Meander

2008 Jeleňovití, Meander

2007 Záhádky, Meander

2006 Lingvistické pohádky, Meander

2002 O Rybaně a možské duši, Menader

2001 Pohádka o Rybitince, Meander

2001 Atlas-salta, Aulos

1997 Vyhnání z ráje, Divus


Musical recordings:

2008 Rybí písně, Meander

2008 Jeleňovití, Meander

2006 Přesletec dvoj CD, se sborem Lakomé Barky, Blackpoint muzic

2004 Nebojím se smrtihlava, se sborem Lakomé Barky, Blackpoint music



Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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