About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Boundary; A Question Without Answers

Lumír Hladík
Technique and size


Location - Úvaly near Prague

About work

I located an autumn field, half of which was freshly ploughed. The divide between the two halves ran perpendicularly to a road. I commenced my walk from that very spot, from a neutral place. First, I chose the field on the right and walked, in a large circle, in order to approach the middle of the boundary between the ploughed and un-ploughed section on a 90° angle. I touched the “divide” with the tip of my shoe and returned all the way back to my neutral departure point. Then I took to the opposite direction and repeated the process. I touched the boundary at exactly the same point. The point of it all is that there are two territories but not two points; just one with no allegiance to any of the two territories. So, where the hell is the boundary?


Photo author: archiv autora
Photo author: archiv autora
Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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