About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

The Thoughts of Modern Sculptors

Jan Nálevka
Technique and size

photocopy, blue ball-pen drawing, office paper, format A4, 302 pieces

About work

All pages ot the book Myšlenky moderních sochařů (TheThoughts of Modern Painters, Prague 1968) were photocopied on A4 sheets. The individual sheets were then lined by hand with the objective to approximate the standard preprinted sheets.The already filled space was organized in a new „order“. The texts and illustrations from the book remain in the background. The sheets are filled twice, reused, yet in fact the lines remain empty. The utilitarian structure of the lined paper enters into the modernist context of the book content in the background. The empty lines offer themselves for the hypothetical future completion, rewriting of the original text. The drawing uses blue ball-pen, the most ordinary office tool.


Photo author: Martin Polák
Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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