O projektu
Artlist — Centrum pro současné umění Praha

Zone I

Jakub Jansa
Klíčová slova
Technika a rozměry

procesuální performance, květina, EEG, plotr, popisovač

O díle

The only thing left thing in the room is the houseplant. I installed a device that reads and records information from the plant as if it were a computer hard drive. After 21 days the memory of the room was restored by transcription on the wall. No one has access to the room. And no one knows its exact location. Just live image from the room is transmitted to the gallery. (JJ, převzato z webu umělce)


Autor fotografie: archiv autora
Centrum pro současné umění Praha, o.p.s. www.fcca.cz ©2006–2024
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