About the project
Artlist — Center for Contemporary Arts Prague

Miroslav Hašek

First Name
Birth place
Place of work
Ústí nad Labem
CSU Library
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About artist

Miroslav Hašek graduated from the Digital Media Studio led by Michaela Thelenová at the Faculty of Art and Design and the Department of Educational Studies of the Faculty of Education of the University of Jan Evangelista. In 2011 he won the student EXIT Prize. His work sensitively reflects on questions of contemporary visual art. He attempts to find a universal truth but is also aware of the impossibility of utopian nature of the entire process. He mixes video art, photography, installations, objects and drawings. He is not afraid to experiment with form, though the first impulse in his work is always superior to form. He looks for the most appropriate medium for his content that conveys the essence of the work to the viewer. Within the context of his experiments Hašek perceives humour, banality, utopia and paradox. The idea itself he perceives as beautiful. Within the framework of participation he investigates questions of authorship. He involves the lay audience in the creative process and works with amateur artist while remaining in the background as the main initiator. He regards the beauty of a work from a different angle than the traditionally aesthetic and formally perfect. In Untitled of 2012, as part of his intervention in public space in the district of Předlice, Ústí nad Labem, he asked prostitutes to draw their last client for him for money. The output included a documentary video and drawings. The work Portrait of the Artist from 2014 was a site-specific project organised in the environs of the Klamovka Gazebo with the participation of the local nursery, whose children Hašek asked to draw him in front of the gazebo. The work deals with the relationships artist-work, active view-collaborator, and passive viewer-gallery visitor.


In his video art Hašek’s interest is in the banality of everyday reality, in which certain activities can be understood within the context of their repetition as ritual. The video Homeperformance from 2011 looks at ordinary activities such as overcoming obstacles, creating needless restrictions, and undressing. The artist sought inspiration in his childhood and peels away layers of personal recollection. He did the same in Radzovice (2014), in which he examined his family history. He paid a visit to relatives in Sovakia that he had never met, though he had heard them referred to all through childhood and had pictured them in his imagination.

Hašek’s video art is highly polished and results in a perfect mage. He has a master of editing, audio, casting and scenery (e.g. Mother/Daughter of 2015). He has also made a name for himself on the Czech art scene. His style features a powerful narrative force by which he demonstrates everyday tasks in a different form to the way we perceive them in real life. He elevates the banal into a gallery environment in a unique way. He creates stories on the boundary of fiction and reality and this ambiguity assists him achieve the authentic experience that the viewer counts on in advance. Infinity is a symbol for the opening up of space for a wide range of interpretations and is the target principle that illustrates the artist’s interest in narrative methods. Hašek’s work operates on the edge of humour and the essence of life. His videos capture the richness of visual form, audio and banal, sometimes ridiculous situations that, however, reveal existential questions when examined in more detail. Infinity demonstrates the complexity of understanding universal truth that he is attempting to find. The endeavour to unpick the complexity of relationships and to understand the surrounding world is highly significant in Hašek’s intermedia oeuvre.

Author of the annotation
Lenka Sýkorová






KVK UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, Art educational studies



FUD University of Ústí nad Labem (Studio of digital media, Michael Thelenová) since 2012 doctoral studies, majoring in Visual Communication




price EXIT


Solo exhibitions
Dlouho jsem se sám sebe neptal a zapomněl jsem všechny odpovědi, kurátorka: Eva Mráziková, Dům pánů z Kunštátu, Dům umění města Brna, Brno

Portrét umělce, kurátorka: Lenka Sýkorová, Galerie Altán Klamovka, Praha

Hranice možností, kurátor: Eva Mráziková, Galerie Jelení, Praha
Homeperformance, kurátorky: Eva Mráziková a Anna Vartecká, Galerie Kostka, Meetfactory, Praha

Homeperformance, Kurátorka: Andrea Pekárková, Galerie 3 x 3, Liberec

Soužití, Galerie 2P, Ústí nad Labem
Group exhibitions not included in ARTLIST.
Tektonika paměti, kurátorky: Lucie Machová a Anna Vartecká, Dům umění města Brna, Brno

Tektonika paměti, kurátorky: Lucie Machová a Anna Vartecká, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Proč si nejdeš hrát s bráchou? kurátor: Eva Nováková, Lucie Kordačová, Trafačka, Praha
Street for Art Festival 2014, kurátorka: Lenka Lindaurová, Praha
NULLA DIES SINE LINEA, Postkonceptuální přesahy v české kresbě, kurátorka: Lenka Sýkorová, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Československo, kurátorky: Eva Nováková, Lucie Kordačová, Galerie Bunker, Nitrianska galéria, Nitra, Slovenská republika

Hi5! kurátor: Slaven Tolj, Barbora Šedivá, Dům umění města Brna, Brno

Paralelní historie, kurátoři: Michal Koleček, Michaela Spružinová, Blanka Kirchner, Adéla Hrušková, Romana Veselá, GASK – Galerie Středočeského kraje, Kutná Hora
Univerzita Předlice, Výstava studentů a pedagogů FUD UJEP, kurátoři: Zdena a Michal Kolečkovi, Národní galerie, Veletržní palác, Praha
Crash Test 2012, Topičův salon, Praha
Obraz, v ktorom žijeme, Dom umenia, Bratislava, Slovenská republika
IV. Zlínský salon mladých, Zlín
Gym Lessons, Czech Center, New York kurátor: Michal Koleček

Obraz, v kterém žijeme, GASK, Kutná Hora
EXIT 2011, 5. ročník celostátní soutěže pro studenty vysokých uměleckých škol ČR, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Homeperformance, Galerie 3x3, Liberec
Obraz, v kterém žijeme, komisař výstavy: Michal Koleček, kurátorky: Vendula Fremlová a Bohumila Koklesová, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Domácí práce – výstava ateliéru Digitální média FUD UJEP, Galerie Aula, FaVU VUT, Brno
Videokemp 2011, kurátoři : Viktor Čech, Lenka Sýkorová, Silvie Šeborová, Dům umění, Brno
Ministerstvo školství varuje: Segregace vážně škodí Vám i lidem ve Vašem okolí, kurátorky: Tamara Moyzes a Zuzana Štefková, Galerie NAPA, Praha

Undisclosed desires, (společně s Evou Mrázikovou), Hot Dog Gallery, Ústí nad Labem
Hra na náhodu, kurátoři: Zdena a Michal Kolečkovi, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Exit a. a. O. 2009, 4. ročníku celostátní soutěže pro studenty vysokých uměleckých škol v České republice, Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlín
Tajemství žluté aktovky, koncepce výstavy: Michal Pěchouček a Dušan Záhoranský, Galerie Jelení/NOD, Praha
Tvoření světů / Making Worlds, kurátorky: Silvie Milková a Veronika Daňhelová, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem

Exit 2009, 4. ročník celostátní soutěže pro studenty vysokých uměleckých škol ČR, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem
Pod Čarou, výstavní prostor Trafačka, Praha

Enterprize, Galerie Emila Filly, Ústí nad Labem



Romana Veselá: Dej pět! Je to cool, Artalk 5.3.2013: http://artalk.cz/2013/03/05/dej-pet-je-to-cool/ New York uvidí práce ústeckých studentů, MF Dnes (Severní Čechy) 18.1.2012 Rozhovor s Jiřím Ptáčkem: Jednou bude děkanem, Artalk 14.3.2012: http://artalk.cz/2012/03/14/jednou-bude-dekanem/ Štepánka Bieleszová: Obraz, ve kterém žijeme, A2 – 24/2011 Reportáže: Nulla Dies Sine Linea: Postkonceptulní přesahy v české kresbě, GEF, Ústí nad Labem, 2014: http://artycok.tv/lang/cs-cz/25154/nulla-dies-sine-linea


Center for Contemporary Arts Prague www.fcca.cz 2006–2024
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